donderdag 26 april 2018

Targetted Individuals and the governments shameful involvement.

A Targeted Individual is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI or CIA) to unwillingly participate in a government experimental torture program.  This program is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress.  The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire global population.  Political activists and whistleblowers are two of the main targets.  Family and spousal relationships are usually destroyed, as part of this torture.

The FBI runs the global gangstalking program, which is designed to harass, intimidate, and  break down the target.  The FBI outsources much of the local harassment to community groups, such as Infragard, Citizen Corp, Neighborhood Watch, and similar programs.  Targeted Individuals are placed on the Terrorist Watchlist and tracked as "Non-Investigative  Subjects," so that local police and sheriffs can be instructed not to assist with their emergency calls.

Ted Gunderson
Sworn affidavit of Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief.  Mr Gunderson confirms the FBI's involvement with organized stalking and the Targeted Individual program.  This affidavit is valid in any courtroom.  "The CIA and FBI  are behind most, if not all terrorism." -  Ted Gunderson.

Geral Sosbee
Sworn Affidavit of FBI Special Agent, Geral Sosbee.  Mr Sosbee is a Texas attorney and has documented his ordeal on his website at   Mr Sosbee confirms that the FBI is involved with organized gangstalking and Directed Energy Weapons.  This affidavit is valid in any courtroom.

"Targeted Individual" refers to Hate Crimes that are being orchestrated and conducted by the CIA, Air Force, FBI, DHS, and Mossad;  globally affecting hundreds of thousands of people and their families.  These Hate Crimes are a violation of fundamental human rights, International Treaties & the U.S. Constitution.  For Air Force & CIA officers - it is an act of TREASON.

A Targeted Individual is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI or CIA) to unwillingly participate in a government experimental torture program.  This program is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress.  The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire global population.  Political activists and whistleblowers are two of the main targets.  Family and spousal relationships are usually destroyed, as part of this torture.

The FBI runs the global gangstalking program, which is designed to harass, intimidate, and  break down the target.  The FBI outsources much of the local harassment to community groups, such as Infragard, Citizen Corp, Neighborhood Watch, and similar programs.  Targeted Individuals are placed on the Terrorist Watchlist and tracked as "Non-Investigative  Subjects," so that local police and sheriffs can be instructed not to assist with their emergency calls.

The CIA and Air Force operate the Microwave Weapons program through the underground complex at Schriever Air Force Base, near Colorado Springs.  The microwave weapons used  are the Vircator, which is mounted on a satellite, and high-power magnetrons which are mounted in cell phone towers.  MQ9 drones with magnetrons are also increasingly being used. The microwave beams generally target the head and cause long-term brain damage via white matter deterioration.  In Houston, Texas, some of the MQ9 Reaper drones are parked in hangars at Ellington Air Force Base, and these are used against civilians as part of the Targeted Individual program.

Shooters, Aaron Alexis and Myron May are two recent examples of Targeted Individuals.   They were psychologically destroyed using sleep deprivation, intense microwave attacks, and isolation from their family, and then they resorted to killing.  Voice-To-Skull (V2K) signals can be embedded in the microwave frequency which allows the government criminals to send constant, hate-filled messages at the target. There are numerous U.S. Patents on these  technologies.  It is likely that most, if not all, school shooting events are orchestrated by the CIA and FBI using the subliminal messaging techniques developed under the CIA's MK-Ultra program.  "The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism."  - Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief.

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