zondag 22 april 2018

Critical David Icke makes us question ourselves, and that's very good.

“St Germain, now a ‘messiah’ figure to many New Agers, was a friend of William of Hesse-Hanau, and his brother, Karl. Apparently, Karl wrote that Germain, an alchemist and magician, had been raised by the de Medici (Black Nobility) family in Italy.8 Many New Agers today talk about the Great White Brotherhood of ‘master souls’, including Germain, who are communicating ‘guidance’ to channellers about the coming transformation. This is yet another mind control operation by the Brotherhood to misdirect and imprison the more extreme of the New Age mentality and to stop it getting off its collective arse (and the ceiling) and so making a real difference.” 
― David IckeThe Biggest Secret: The book that will change the World

“Two organisations spawned by Alice Bailey’s work, the Lucis Trust (formerly the Lucifer Trust) and the World Goodwill Organisation, are both staunch promoters of the United Nations. They are almost UN ‘groupies’, such is their devotion. It is interesting to see how the New Age has inherited ‘truths’ over the decades in the same way that conventional religion has done over the centuries. As the followers of Christianity have inherited the manipulated version of Jesus, so New Agers have inherited the Masters. There is too little checking of origins, too much acceptance of inherited belief, I think. Certainly there is with the Masters and Blavatsky’s Great White Brotherhood because she admitted in correspondence with her sister, that she had made up their names by using the nicknames of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons who were funding her. Yet today all over the world there are hundreds of thousands (at least) of New Age ‘channellers’ who claim to be communicating with these Masters and with the Archangel Michael who is an ancient deity of the Phoenicians. If the New Age isn’t careful, it will be Christianity revisited. It is already becoming so. I believe that the concept of Masters can be a means through which those who have rejected the status quo of religion and science can still have their minds controlled.” 
― David IckeThe Biggest Secret: The book that will change the World

"Previous works about the mysterious Madame Blavatsky are full of conflicting information, since she left behind a trail of concocted legends. The Masters Revealed, by K. Paul Johnson, strips away most of the fantasy and provides a wealth of new material.

"K. Paul Johnson's book is a real original. In straight-forward, readable prose, it presents a panorama of heroes, heroines, and eccentrics. Tracing Madame Blavatsky's secret life, it often reads like an occult whodunit about a woman who was, in fact, as fascinating as the legends she created about herself." -- New York Times Book Review
"Johnson is a tireless and careful researcher...he has presented to the reader willing to set aside personal bias and prejudgment on the central question of Blavatsky's 'teachers' a reasoned and well-documented case for identifying their personae.

"Whether read as a 'whodunit' or as fact, it is a remarkable piece of research in a hitherto unexplored field of study." -- The Quest
"Readers will be fascinated, as I was, to see basic profiles of historical personalities behind Morya and Koot Hoomi, as well as to gain some understanding of the way Blavatsky wove together many strains of esoteric teaching." -- Hal W. French, University of South Carolina

"There is darn little non-partisan writing about Theosophy and this book fills a real need. Johnson shows that the Theosophical movement is intertwined with the intellectual and political history of its time. He has marshalled an impressive body of evidence to show that the Theosophical masters are neither disembodied spirits nor are they fictions but are specific historical personages whose identities were disguised for various reasons." -- James Burnell Robinson, University of Northern Iowa

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