zaterdag 31 maart 2018


The Sphinx
The Egyptian Sphinx is not what it appears to be and is thousands of years older than Earth scientists believe. The Sphinx is hollow like a chocolate Easter bunny. Inside the hollow neck is a golden sphere that is a “Time Capsule” from the period. Also inside the hollow Sphinx is a well-hidden secret doorway that can only be opened by uttering a secret word. This secret doorway opens to a spiral staircase that leads to an underground room. In this room there is a clay pot in one corner. Also in this room are three tunnels that lead out of the room. Arcane hieroglyphs on the clay pot tell you which tunnel to take and what to do. If you enter one of the two “wrong” tunnels, an ingenious booby trap springs and you will die a very horrible death. In the future, three people from the west will successfully read the clay pot and enter the correct tunnel unharmed. They will be the chosen three. The chosen three will then walk down a long stone hallway with 48 sacred geometric drawings on the upper left side. These 48 drawings are the 48 blueprints of the 48 chromosomes of the Christ Consciousness. Although the hallway is perfectly lit, there is no visible light source, but the chosen three will “know” where the light comes from. At the end of the hallway is a slight right-hand turn into a large room. This is “The Hall of Records.” Sitting on raised shelves in The Hall of Records is physical evidence of Earth civilizations from the last 51⁄2 million years. An emissary from The Great White Lodge will then appear to greet the chosen three and impart “Special Instructions” to them. Each of the chosen three will then be allowed to remove one object from the room and return with it to the surface of Earth. The chosen three will also find three golden etchings that resemble “photographs” resting upon a nearby stone. And the chosen three will be shocked and amazed to find pictures of themselves inside the golden frames. These are pictures of themselves in a previous embodiment thousands of years ago when they were ancient Egyptians. The names engraved on the golden frames will be different, but the likeness to the chosen three will be perfect. The chosen three will also notice a “date” engraved onto the golden picture frames, and the chosen three will be still further shocked and amazed to discover that the “date” engraved onto the golden picture frames many centuries ago is the date of that very day. And when the chosen three gaze upon their old “photographs” once again, their long cyclic journey, which began thousands of years ago, and spanned many embodiments, will now be gloriously completed,

and their job well done.

The Great Pyramid of Egypt
The Great Pyramid of Egypt was not a royal tomb as most Earth scientists believe and is much older than Earth scientists believe. The Great Pyramid was fully functional from 52,000 B.C. to 12,000 B.C. and served several purposes. 1) The many chambers of the Great Pyramid served as classrooms and training areas for Ascending Masters. 2) The

Great Pyramid was also a powerful radio transmitter that could communicate with races throughout the galaxy. 3) The Great Pyramid was and remains one of the main entry points to Agartha via a large tunnel which begins in the base of the pyramid (see Agartha). 4) The Great Pyramid also contains a vast Atlantian library of books, crystal storage devices, and holographic projectors, which are safely secured in a secret chamber. 5) The Great Pyramid contains a great energy crystal in its uppermost section that was a key component of the radio transmitter. 6) There is also an entrance to The Great Pyramid on the north face which you have not been told about. 7) Another secret chamber in the base of the pyramid contains a warehouse filled with Atlantian machines that were used in the construction of The Great Pyramid, and which had many other uses as well. These machines are over 52,000 years old, never wear out, and are in pristine condition to this very day. 8) The Great Pyramid also contains two massively powerful “Force Projectors” which are safely locked and sealed in two parallel secret chambers at the base of the pyramid. 9) In its golden years, the exterior of The Great Pyramid was perfectly sheathed and protected in white marble. The Great Pyramid became disabled in 12,000 B.C. and thereafter the white marble was pillaged and plundered for its value. The Great Pyramid has sat disabled, dysfunctional, and in acute disrepair for the past 12,000 years, but The Great Pyramid will be perfectly restored to its full glory and functionality in the coming Seventh Age of Enlightenment. 

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