woensdag 28 februari 2018


The average Earthling has a completely false notion of reality. This is no accident. The Dark Lodge has done everything in their power to sell Earthlings a false reality, and the majority of Earthlings (who are not terribly bright to begin with) swallowed this false reality hook, line, and sinker. And if you explain what “reality” is to the average Earthling, they don’t believe you, think you are completely off your rocker, probably dangerous, and need to be locked up. And it is this “Mass Ignorance” that is the greatest obstacle and threat to the coming New Age. And if this “Mass Ignorance” is not sufficiently raised, and sufficiently raised soon, Cosmic Law 13 will self-activate and there will be wholesale Armageddon on this planet (see Cosmic Law 13). The Great White Lodge and Spiritual Hierarchy will do everything in Their power to prevent the activation of Cosmic Law 13, but We cannot override the “Mass Will” of Earth, and ultimately it is the “Collective Consciousness” of all Earthlings that will determine the fate of this planet.

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