woensdag 2 augustus 2017


The deva evolution will, through this seventh Ray force have much to do with the transmission of prana to units of the three higher kingdoms of nature, and this easier transmission (from the etheric levels of the physical plane) will parallel a correspondingly easier transmission of spiritual or psychical force from the fourth cosmic ether, the buddhic plane. The results of this pranic transmission will be more healthy physical bodies among the sons of men. This need not be looked for at this time, and will only begin to be noticeable about three hundred years hence, when the incoming seventh Ray Egos will be numerically strong enough to be recognized as the prevailing type for a certain period. Their physical bodies, owing to their being built for seventh Ray force will respond more readily than the others, though first Ray egos and fifth Ray Egos will benefit enormously from this influence. The etheric devas will build during a peculiarly favorable period, and the physical bodies then constructed will be distinguished by:
  1. Resilience,
  2. Enormous physical magnetism, 
  3. Ability to reject false magnetism,
  4. Capacity to absorb solar rays,
  5. Great strength and resistance,
  6. A delicacy and refinement in appearance as yet unknown.
The etheric levels of the plane will be full of an increased activity, and slowly but surely, as the decades slip away, man will become conscious of these levels, and aware of their inhabitants. The immediate effect of this greater etheric energy will be that a numerically larger number of people will possess etheric vision, and will be able normally and naturally to live consciously on etheric levels. The majority of men only function consciously on the three lower levels of the physical - the gaseous, the liquid, and the dense - and the etheric levels are as sealed to them as are the astral. In the coming centuries, man's normal habitat will be the entire physical plane up to, though not including, the second subplane. The fourth and third etheric levels will be as familiar to him as the usual physical landscape to which he is now accustomed.
The center of attention of medical and scientific students will be focused on the etheric body, and the dependence of the physical body upon the etheric body will be recognized. This will change the attitude of the medical profession, and magnetic healing and vibratory stimulation will supersede the present methods of surgery and drug assimilation. Man's vision being then normally etheric, will have the effect of forcing him to recognize that which is now called the "unseen world," or the super-physical. Men in their etheric bodies will be noted, and communicated with, and the devas and elementals of the ethers will be studied and recognized. When this is so, then the true use of ceremonial ritual as a protection and safeguard to man will assume its right place.
The work of the devas in connection with the animal and the vegetable kingdoms will be likewise recognized, and much that is now possible through ignorance will become impossible and obsolete. The time will come, when the attitude of man to the animal kingdom will be revolutionized, and the slaughter, ill-treatment, and that form of cruelty called "sport," will be done away with.


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