zaterdag 29 juli 2017

Bhakti Yoga and chanting.

This is the perfect system. Anyone who is thinking of Kṛṣṇa always within himself is a first-class yogī. If you want perfection in yoga, don't be satisfied only by practicing codes. You have to go further. Actually, the perfection of yoga is reached when you are in samādhi, always thinking of the Viṣṇu form of the Lord within your heart, without being disturbed. Therefore yogīs go to a secluded place, and by controlling all the senses and the mind and concentrating everything on the form of Viṣṇu, they reach samādhi. That is called perfection of yoga. Actually this yoga system is very, very difficult. It may be possible for some solitary man, but for the general mass of people it is not recommended in the scriptures: harer nāma harer nāma harer nāmaiva kevalam/ kalau nāsty eva nāsty eva nāsty eva gatir anyathā [Cc. Ādi 17.21]. "In this age of Kali one must chant the holy names of the Lord for deliverance. There is no other alternative. There is no other alternative. There is no other alternative." (Bṛhan-Nāradīya Purāṇa)
The yoga system, as it was recommended in the Satya-yuga, the Golden Age, was to always meditate on Viṣṇu. In the Tretā-yuga one could practice yoga by performing great sacrifices, and in the next age, Dvāpara-yuga, one could achieve perfection by temple worship. The present age is called Kali-yuga. Kali-yuga means the age of quarrel and disagreement. No one agrees with anyone else. Everyone has his own theory; everyone has his own philosophy. If I don't agree with you, you fight me. This is the symptom of Kali-yuga. The only method recommended in this age is chanting the holy name. Simply by chanting the holy name of God, one can attain that perfect self-realization which was attained by the yoga system in the Satya-yuga, by performance of great sacrifices in the Tretā-yuga, and by large-scale temple worship in the Dvāpara-yuga. That perfection can be attained by the simple method of Hari kīrtana. Hari means the Supreme Personality of Godhead; kīrtana means to glorify.
This method is recommended in the scriptures, and it was given to us by Caitanya Mahāprabhu 500 years ago. He appeared in a town which is known as Navadvīpa. It is about sixty miles north of Calcutta. People still go there. We have a temple center there. It is also a sacred place of pilgrimage. Caitanya Mahāprabhu appeared there, and He started this mass saṅkīrtana movement, which is conducted without discrimination. He predicted that this saṅkīrtanamovement would be spread all over the world and that the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra would be chanted in every village and town on the surface of the globe. In pursuance of the order of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, following in His footsteps, we are trying to introduce this saṅkīrtana movement, chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, and it is proving very successful everywhere. I am preaching especially in foreign countries, all over Europe, America, Japan, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, etc. I have introduced this saṅkīrtana movement, and now we have centers around the world. All eighty centers are being received with great enthusiasm. I have not imported these boys and girls from India, but they are taking this movement very seriously because it appeals to the soul directly.

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