dinsdag 30 mei 2017

Manchester : Question Everything.

‘Another day, another conspiratorial crime. In this case, the public was witness to yet another known wolf terror attack allegedly carried out by an ‘ISIS-inspired’ individual who, as with numerous other cases, was under the gaze of MI5. The man named in the Manchester attack, Salman Abedi, has also been tied to a terror group supported by NATO in Libya during the operation to oust Muammar el-Qaddafi in 2011.
QUESTION: Is the Manchester attack simply blowback from security operations gone awry – or is it more likely that this latest terror event provides further evidence of complicity on behalf of West in the ‘War On Terror’ era?
Though many are still unsettled in the wake of the Manchester arena bombing – key questions have emerged following this latest act of terror in the West.’


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