zondag 2 oktober 2016


 The Da Vinci Code significantly misrepresents Mary Magdalene. When people don't respect the Bible, they rarely study it carefully. As a result, almost invariably they misunderstand and misuse it. This is the case with Brown's view of Mary Magdalene. The Bible lists at least seven different Marys. 1) Mary, Jesus' mother (and later, the wife of Joseph -Luke 1:30,31; etc.) 2) Mary, the mother of James (not the Lord's brother) and Joseph (Matthew 27:56) 3) Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus (Luke 10:39; John 11:1; 12:3) 4) Mary, mother of John Mark (Acts 12:12) 5) Mary, wife of Clopas or Cleophas (John 19:25) 6) Mary, no further identification (Romans 16:6) 7) Mary of Magdala, a city in southwest Galilee. This does not include the women named Miriam, which is just another form of the name Mary.

Jesus (House of David) - Mary (House of Benjamin).

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