woensdag 31 augustus 2016

Bernie Sanders' Wisdom

  1. Every kid with the desire to pursue higher education should be able to afford it, period.
  2. The ruling class knows if we fight for decent wages, for education, for the right to Social Security, we win. If they divide us, they win.

Yellow Cosmic Star
Cosmic tone
Cosmic tone
Trancending - Presence - Endure
Cosmics have the patience of a great tree. Psychically, you have been thourhg most of what you experience around you, so you are often a good ear for others because of your enduring patience and perseverence. You can often see above the fray of emotional dramas, transcending the argument or conflict and offering calm, lucid, objective advice.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
South/Yellow Ripens
Beautify - Art - Elegance
Harmony, expansion, wayshower, clever, hopeful, energetic, inspirational, nervous, playful, loving, busy, starred, intelligent

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