donderdag 28 juli 2016

The Rothschild and wars.

This money could be for humanity in the coming age. For years it was control money. Governments, doctors, lawyers, policemen, all was in the hands of what people call the illuminati. Research on psychology, psychiatry was the tool to blame people for insanity when they woke up. When people had cancer they give them chemotherapy what doesn't cure but kills. Yes, they could do this with all that money, but humanity is awakening (Now they bought Hillary Clinton - Obama was already in their pocket - as Erdogan and Merkel) but this we already know right. Wake up. Don't give "them" their civil war or any war, they fund both sides and get rich while others kill themselves or eachother. They don't care, it's their job. It's their INCOME that people destroy eachother. Madeleine de Rothschild is okay, but the others. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. WE DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE!


“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.” Gutle Schnaper Rothschild

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