vrijdag 29 juli 2016

The Path is set. Now it's up to humanity. Dreams came true.#ForDavidWithLove

I remember when 2012 was coming. David M. a friend from during my adolescent years with whom I studied during those years was already awakened more than ten years ago. I felt that I had to move to my current apartment. And I was ready. Everything is ready for the years to come. Sam said: 'Are you ready for the millennium, kristof? There is no need to hurry?'. It made me think. In the coming years I will once again be on the frontline together with michael and at that time have the right people in my team. David Icke is now well-known to the public and can't be ignored anymore, so my soul feels very happy and at rest, unless the struggles of the past. My dreams came true, now hopefully as well for the angels of the human family. The demonic entities will not succeed.

Have a nice day and enjoy the ride.

This is what we came for.

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