dinsdag 26 juli 2016

BernieCrats Keep Moving Forward for America. Love. #LionsRoar

The Democratic Party insider elites have been caught sabotaging OUR grassroots Political Revolution. They are going to be held accountable by OUR actions of leaving their corrupt party. OUR campaign has brought together huge numbers of young people, middle-class working people, senior citizens, republicans, independents, democrats and even non-voters into an alliance that will not remain quiet and apathetic any longer. Bernie has awakened a sleeping giant. He dragged them out of their cozy cave of ignorance. Now WE must unite and create a new major American party, a truly democratic party for the people, “The Berniecratic Party”. 

“Truth Seekers for Bernie Sanders” is a group with a singularity of purpose: Get Bernie aligned candidates elected to as many offices as possible. We are part of the momentum that is fueling this grassroots REVOLUTION to intensify its growth and development. Bernie has been fighting the good fight his entire life. Now WE will continue what he so courageously started. Join our group to spread the word that OUR Revolution is still in full effect. 

This is not just another Presidential campaign. This is A Political Revolution! WE understand the powerful significance of "a political revolution". WE the People will revolt. 

Once it begins, you cannot control a Revolution! It's like a wildfire. Determination and intent are the FIRE! We are the fuel that will feed it with relentless Energy! 
And WE will watch history in the making. 
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”
‪#‎OurRevolution‬ ‪#‎EnoughIsEnough‬

We Are All ONE

Love and Unity

Awakening Leads To Self-Realization

Peace and Joy for all of humanity is the goal

nothing less

It starts with YOU!

Yes YOU who is ready this

(Also for folks outside of the United States of America)

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