dinsdag 28 juni 2016

Empowerment Through Sensitivity: The 10 Types Of Empaths. In 5d news.

Our sensitivity can empower us in ways we can’t quite understand. Find out what kind of an empath you are and how you can become a better person through simple awareness.
In today’s society, sensitivity is viewed as a weakness, which is kind of ironic because our sensitivity can be quite empowering.
So, how can we become empowered by a trait that makes us soft and delicate, in a world dominated by loud and overpowering people? Yes, it is true that many empaths may seem weak and even get overpowered, but there is another aspect to this sensitivity.
Deep down, way beyond the veil of our superficial personas, all empaths have something distinctly quiet and quite powerful. This power doesn’t dominate or overpower people but rather empowers one in an extremely useful way.
This gift allows empaths to benefit in the long term by gathering psychological, emotional, and physical information from their surroundings. This information is usually inaccessible to the unreceptive mind.
Although it is indeed correct that empaths cannot bully people or use brute force, they can however, protect, guide, heal, and deeply understand the people around them.
In this way, they can gather incredible amounts of information and how they use this knowledge is at their discretion. Knowledge is, after all, the greatest power.

Think You Are An Empath?

If you suspect that you are more sensitive than the people around you, then continue reading to find out if you too are an empath in an insensitive world.
If you really are an empath, you will recognize some of these experiences that are faced by most empaths:
  • You tend to absorb other people’s feelings and emotions and experience them as your own
  • You consistently feel mental and physical fatigue
  • Your emotional state tends to swing throughout a day based on external stimuli
  • If someone close to you is in physical pain, you can feel their pain in your own body
  • You cherish solitude, which helps you refresh and recharge
  • People prefer to come to you with their problems
  • You simply cannot bear violence or cruelty
  • You are naturally caring and nurturing
  • You are an excellent listener
  • Your awareness of our physical environment is greater than normal, e.g. your sense of taste, smell, hearing, touch, etc.
  • Crowded places tend to overwhelm and drain you
  • Animals and children seem to be attracted to you

Different Types of Empaths

Yes, being an empath can have many benefits, but at the same time, it can also weigh you down and cause anxiety. This is one of the reasons why it is important to understand our individual experiences in the hope to better understand ourselves.
The following is a list of different types of empaths and a small description to help you understand what kind of an empath you may be.

1. Physically Receptive Empath

Many empaths seem to be receptive to the physical pains and illnesses of other people. The pain can manifest in the empath’s own body – an ability which has proven to be extremely useful in healing.

2. Emotionally Receptive Empath

Almost all empaths are extremely receptive of external emotional states. This can result in physically and emotionally feeling other people’s emotions before they are expressed.

3. Claircognizant Empath

Claircognizant empaths have the ability to know if something needs to be done or if a statement of a person’s intentions is true or misleading, without any rational reasoning. Such empaths have the ability to know if they should do something or not.

4. Geomantic Empaths

These empaths have the ability to read signals and energy transmitted from the soil or earth. Meaning, they can feel if a natural disaster is impending.

5. Fanna Empath

Fanna empaths can feel, hear, and interact with animals.

6. Medium Empath

Medium empaths, as the name suggests, can either feel, see or hear spirits.

7. Flora Empath

Slightly similar to Fanna Empaths, as they can communicate with plants by being able to feel or receive their signals.

8. Psychometric Empath

These empaths develop the ability to receive energy, impressions, and information from inanimate objects such as jewelry, photographs, etc.

9. Telepathic Empath

Telepathic empaths can accurately read another peron’s unexpressed thoughts.

10. Precognitive Empath

Such empaths can feel a situation or event before its occurrence. These usually manifests in the form of dreams of emotional or physical sensations.
In this insensitive and coarse world, empaths can often find it difficult to maintain their inner harmony. But with self-awareness, everyone, including empaths, can learn to appreciate their unique gifts and abilities.
Hopefully, this article will help you find some answers to your questions. We would love it if you would share your experiences with us all.
About the authorDylan is a 31-year-old surfer from California. He traveled the world, rode the waves and learned the universal concept of oneness. He is a vegan for over a decade and, literally, wouldn’t hurt a fly. 🙂 He was reunited with his twin soul in Greece, where they got married and settled… for now. Dylan is a staff writer for DreamcatcherReality.com and teaches surfing to children.

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