zondag 5 juni 2016

Ashtar On the Road (Cosmic Great White Lodge update)

Tara&Rama Report 5-24-16
Tara & Rama: Greetings!
Tara: in the Light of the Most Radiant One.
Rama: I just want to say, we do need help with the rent and some bills right at the moment and
Tara: Yes, and thank you so muchfor help with food.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: It's absolutely key for Rama's healing.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara:.....OK, the concerns of that which is being promulgated by the media in major propaganda right now, whereas the normal everyday person may not be perceiving the truth on such a huuuge level, is going to be cut down rather rudely, say these Four Musketeers that Rama talked to today.
Rama: Yeah, and I just wanted to say that I voted today. In New Mexico people can vote early. I don't know what it's about in California yet. We got to vote today and I  voted for Bernie. And all the people there in the county clerk's office, we surrounded the ballots that I put together and blessed it and put it in the machine to send it on its way. I told everybody about this call and our calls, and blazed the Violet Fire! (laughing)
Tara: Yes, and Happy Anniversary to all of us. [referring to Ashtar On The Road’s 12th anniversary on May 23rd]
Rama: Yes.
Tara:...The thing is that Rama spoke with Tom The Cat, Larry, Curly and Mo. They all said Mr.Putin, a contactee with the Andromedans, is being directed, urged strongly, to align with Andromedans to get the truth out about the Bush-Clinton crime family along with the Khazars of Israel and the Saudis of Saudi Arabia, about all collaborating along with the Vatican on the inside job to do 9/11. 
They went on to say, in spite of these stories about the United States thru NATO (for all practical purposes NATO equals United States - they decide; and NATO is holding a summit on July 8th and 9th in Poland) calling for and intending to create a platform calling for the West to go to war with Russia, in spite of such startling media propaganda announcements, these four White Knights said firmly, "There will be no nukes, and no war." 
Then Tom said, "Remember what Ashtar has told all of us Commanders, Eagles and Angels. Ashtar has said: "As these folks attempt to push the river on the media anywhere, all the Ashtar Command show up and all the dark ones’ electronics go completely offline. The controlled media continue to try to show a stiff upper lip, in spite of the fact that they are losing trillions every day at the hands of ‘Anonymous’ and other friendly hacking groups who are working with Saint Germain. Reports that say all is back in order from last week's online shutdown of 20 Central Banks taking them offline, including the Boston Federal Central Bank and the Bank of England and the Central Bank in France,
Rama: many, many
Tara: and Panama and just many, many others, it is a lie. Their lies will cease as people of the world watch arrests on-screen for high economic treason, war crimes and crimes against humanity – no dates!
Tom, Larry, Curly and Mo also said 40 Pacific Rim of Fire volcanoes are simultaneously erupting at this time. It is a healing release for earth mother as she's responding to the influence of Niburu's orbit around the Sun. Ashtar starships are helping to clear our atmosphere of the mercury poisoning coming from the volcanic ash. Additional helpful substances to aid the physical body through this release are an ancient Native American medicine called Shiaqga.
Rama: I will send it to you, Fran and Susan.
Tara: Yes, we will send that information. It's amazing and I know (laughing) we don't have time to talk about the details but between that and the right kind of fulvic acid (there’s a right kind and a not-so-right kind), and there's something called ‘nascent iodine’ to name some of the extremely helpful substances...and they’re not expensive, to clear ourselves of any and all harmful effects of the mercury poisoning, chemtrails, pollution, fossil fuels, methane gas emissions, etc, etc.
Tara: At any time- full disclosure. Wingmaker starships continue to flow in from the portals in our Sun. They are surrounding our Sun, Sol, and surrounding Mother Titalakoria continuously lifting us up. Good vibrations are immersing us. Call on the Fairies, the Angels, the Hobbits, the Gnomes, the Menehune, the Crystalline Devas - all are at our service – resistance if futile. Be positive, be in joy, call on humming bird medicine.
Number 44 Barack, being the 44th President of this country representing, you might say, the spiritual foundation in the Earth as it is in Heaven, doubled, which is number 8, which is bringing in ‘my tray of gold.’ Yes indeed, Lord Maitreya’s Golden Hearted Ray of Divine Love-Wisdom, all surrounded in the Pink Ray of Lord Chamuel, and Lord Kuthumi - we are that together.
The murder, also of Vincent Foster has been inadvertently brought up by Mr.Trump. And also the information about Kathleen Willey’s husband and the long list of murders that are Bill and Hillary Clinton's repertoire of crime, are seeping out in many different media places. Also, today there have been some reports about over a hundred links that connect the Clinton's with Mr.McDonnell who was in prison for 13 months; i don't know if he’s out, the former Governor of Virginia, and now also the present Governor Terry McAuliffe of Virginia. There is less than a 6% separation via the more than 100 connections with him as well. So there are too many leaks coming out now regarding the situation with Hillary. Also they’ve reported on Debbie Wasserman Schultz’ situation in Nevada as part of the, you know, the fraud of the vote. That was a stolen election. And Farron Cousins from Ring of Firesaid tonight, he apologized for any and all misrepresentations regarding Bernie Sanders delegates. There was no violence whatsoever.  
Rama: Yep.
Tara: There may have been people upset or there may have been other things going on, but there was not one drop of violence. And what he did say was that what people don't know is that that election was stolen and that the loss of the Bernie delegates was due to changing the rules with no possible reason, and basically it was a crime of stealing the election. And the elections in New York and South Carolina and many of the ones, and oh, the Kentucky election is being brought up and there has been a call for a re-count, that there was also a stealing of that election.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: So what we're seeing, and Hillary has promised to stand her ground with all of the people in New York; she used that as an ad saying that she's going to be against fracking, yet she has doubled back and forth, up and down and sideways on that. What we've been told today is that what this comes down to is that she will also sign off on the TPP, she will go for fracking, and Farron Cousins exposed that she's been going around the world just to reconfirm and selling fracking all over the world. And they’re trying to use Poland now as an example of that. 
So NESARA now! The information coming out is building. The power of the positive thoughts are a necessity and that's like ‘a free man is not a necessitous man.’ Therefore, be in Love, be in Joy, because it's a necessity for all of us to actually flourish. Love is all there is. And pass this talking stick back to you, Fran and Susan.

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