donderdag 12 mei 2016

Revolution of poetry

No matter the games they play
No matter how they blame
No matter what they lie
No matter how they cheat
We are here for a reason
We shall succeed
We know some are angry
We know some play evil tricks
We know there are liars
We know there are those who exploit goodness
But we stand strong after every attack
Keep our consciousness in alignment with the will of G-d
Taking the blame when necessary
Yes we have been punished many times for unproven crimes
That changes nothing on our innocence
Even when they try to trick our minds
We won't back down
Why does my soulfamily have to suffer as well
I don't get it
I just don't get it
Please hold one, beloved soultribe
And understand it from your heart and soul
Forgive me for the moments I wasn't stronger to revolt even more
And keep in heart that in the end we will be victorious
At the end of the line there awaits a great celebration
Until then patience, forgiveness, faith, hope, love, and peace of mind
What is time in the face of eternity?
Relax :-)

Love you all, k.

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