maandag 16 mei 2016

On Europe - Please kindly but bravely Resist a European Superstate. Thank you.

I stand behind the people from the U.K. and elsewhere who go for the BREXIT. The benefits of the Union is that there is peace in the continent but the dark roots of the EU originate in nazism, and that is something to resist. Hitler and Napoleon wanted a Europe under the governance of one single authority and that would mean the end of democracy. Some also want to end nationstates and divide all of Europe into regions, also something I oppose for sure.

Interesting what Madonna said about Europe due to her experiences whilst touring :

Do your homework : Read this : EU Facts - The Dark Roots of the “Brussels EU”

I don't claim that all of the Union is bad but I am not a big fan of the Tower of Babel, which is in fact the European Union so I recommend all to review the podcast presented by David Icke on the subject. (see below)

I am very happy realising that more and more people in the field of politics start to realise that the end of democracy must be prevented within Europe and that all of us : politicians AND citizens, must keep up the fight for their soevereignity and independence, not to be under control of a fascist-like European Superstate.

Fortunately many are waking up to what's going on :

Read more from David Icke daily :

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