donderdag 3 maart 2016

May all sentient beings be free from suffering.

In the Dhammapada, the Buddha when commenting on the Eightfold Path has the following to say: This is the path; there is no other path that leads to purity of insight. Follow this path, for this path bewilders the Evil One (Mara).+ This path that entails that one be mindfully conscious of the appropriateness in all that one does is powerful in that it protects the aspirant from falling into the world of duality. This path can only be walked by the aspirant of his own Free Will. In the frontispiece to the Peking edition of The Voice of the Silence, the Tashi Lama writes: 

All beings desire liberation from misery
Seek therefor for the causes of misery and expunge them

By entering on the Path liberation from misery is attained
Exhort then all beings to enter the Path.

After entering the Path and experiencing its benefits, one’s duty becomes the exhorting of “all beings to enter the Path.” This is extremely important. One is not asked to help end the suffering of the world in any other way than to exhort others to enter the path. What about feeding the poor, tending the sick, or ending social injustice? Are these not more practical and immediate ways of ending the evils of the world?

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