zaterdag 26 maart 2016

Heart, Helena Roerich

 "To see with the eyes of the heart; to hear the roar of the world with the ears of the heart; to peer into the future with the understanding of the heart; to remember past accumulations through the heart—that is how the aspirant must boldly advance on the path of ascent. Creativity embraces the fiery potential and comes to be saturated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore, on the path of the Hierarchy, on the path of the Great Service, on the path of Communion, synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can seekers radiate the rays manifested if there is no flame affirmed in their hearts? It is precisely the quality of a magnet that lies latent in the heart. The loftiest creativity is pervaded with this great law. Thus, every consummation, every unification, every cosmic union is achieved through the flame of the heart. In what way can a foundation be laid for great steps? Truly, only by way of the heart. The arcs of consciousness merge in the flame of the heart. 
     So let us keep in mind the wondrous attraction of the magnet of the heart, which links all manifestations. Indeed, the silver thread that connects the Teacher with the disciple is the great magnet of the heart. The unification of the Teacher and disciple affirms the essence of all aspects of evolution." Heart

12. Our Hand will not get tired of extending the saving thread to the heart. Who can justly say that We were late in offering help? But We can cite many occasions when Our Messenger was frozen by people’s heartlessness. It is so hard to bring into action the potential of the heart. One must manifest a flight over the abyss, as if soaring from the last shore into the Infinite. How sacred is the courage of selflessness, which opens up the heart!
13. Can you picture what a humanity with healthy bodies and uncultured hearts would be like? It is difficult even to imagine such a feast of darkness. All the illnesses and infirmities in the world are unable to restrain the rampant madness of the heart. Truly, so long as the heart remains unenlightened, illnesses and infirmities will not be eliminated; were that not the case, the frenzy of the heart coupled with powerful bodies would horrify the worlds. Long ago it was said of a righteous man that “he walked before the Lord,” which meant that he did not violate the principle of Hierarchy, and thus had purified his heart. Through even the slightest purification of the human heart one can derive a cascade of Blessings. Nowadays it is all right to act, if cautiously, but only in cases where the heart has not decayed. You should not get depressed about it, but you need to know that the darkness has intensified and many hearts are putrefying. The significance of the heart is an old truth, but this truth has never been so needed as now.
14. People will ask, “Which energy do you have in mind when you speak of the heart?” Of course, it is the very same Aum, the psychic energy of the three worlds. By studying this energy, you can ascertain that its deposits are multicolored. Certainly, the deposits may be red, purple, or blue, but as they approach the heart, they lose their coloring. The crystal of the heart is white, colorless. Naturally, this resonance of the heart is not observed very often, but you should strive toward it. The ancients used to advise people to place their hands on the needles of young cedars, so that the condensed prana might penetrate their fingertips. There are many ways to receive psychic energy from the vegetable kingdom, but the one regarded as the best is an open heart that knows the line along which to strive.
15. The ignorant, in their hypocrisy, may humiliate us, but the way is one, and nothing will obscure it if the heart is pure. It was wise to liken the heart to a ship, but where there is a ship, there is a helmsman. Courage is born of a pure heart. One might compare it to a rose, where the significance of the flower lies in the number of its petals. If they are torn off, the flower as a whole is injured. Therefore, guard the defenses of the heart. Wisely understand that only the lord of the flower has access to all its petals.

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