woensdag 30 maart 2016

Ashtar on the Road message.

"We Are All Here
to Shine Our Lights
into the Darkness!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
March 22, 2016

"Greetings, Beloved Family!  We are indeed in celebration! And you heard it, just now.*  We have reached a point – there is no turning back.  There is only turning up more and more the Light that is pouring in. It's pouring in to the entirety of Planet Earth. And everyone is aware of it – all sentient beings in all Kingdoms -but it is being felt, let us say, most intensely among the humans, of course because it is the humans that have brought so much into these lifetimes - and have had so much to clear out!


"I will tell you that there is no continent in the World that has been as oppressed as Africa. And yet there are those who have shown the Light consistently there. You have need of going no farther than to remember the one, Nelson Mandela - among many others who shared his beliefs in Peace and all that Peace brings to the whole Planet, to everyone! He forgave his captors, his jailers, across the board. He harbored no revenge because he was such a being of Light and Love and he left a legacy there, a great legacy of Light!
"And this is true in Europe as well. And I want to take a moment to those of you in this Company who live where Atlantis used to be. You have come into this lifetime with bravery and devotion to helping to clear the energies. Make no mistake – those energies are still present on Planet Earth and they are not justin Europe. But as the darkness of the eclipse and its energy - and it is not bad energy, I am not saying that - I am saying that if you think of an eclipse, you think of a darkening. Well, see it this way – it’s an opportunity to put Light anywhere there is darkness! And you also know that the eclipse will be over and the Light will shine again. And this is Truth. So see it in that way – wherever there has been some darkness, help to dispel it, help to clear it. Shine your Lights on it and be the bright, beautiful, radiant, Divine Beings that you came here to be!!!
"Let not some story in the news or some event which is happening, even to you, diminish your Lights, Beloved Ones, but remember to keep the Love in your Hearts. And if you do feel a bit of darkness around you or even coming into you, just put the Light on it! That sounds easy - I understand that it takes practice and dedication. That is why I am speaking of this in this particular Gathering. Because a great Light, a grand Light is here, and I shall say that it may be the Light of One, but it is the Light of All, all of You, all of Humanity, all of Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms coming together to welcome and receive! If you want to call it the Heavenly Light, please do so. The Light of the Great Central Sun, the gamma rays, however you choose to see it – this is for you because you have called it forth, because you are ready, because the timeline calls for it NOW!!!
"So welcome it, breathe it in. Bring it in and be in Oneness with all the LoveLight in the Universe! In so doing, you cleanse and clear away any darkness anywhere and everywhere. This is, in a sense, what you might call the finest hour of the Lightworkers! It is your opportunity to raise the vibration, or the consciousness of Planet Earth even more.
"So start within your own loving Hearts, share the LoveLight and continue, because the Path only gets easier. As you shine your Lights, your lives, the lives of those around you, and indeed, the lives of all of Planet Earth's residents - below, on and above -become more Light, more bright, more radiant, and thus easier unto themselves!!! There is no limit to the amount of LoveLight in the Universe. It is infinite. There is no limit to the amount of LoveLight that you can bring in - each one of you, into yourselves - and share! It is the greatest gift you can give. And in giving you also receive, because you make room for yet more to come in.
"And so I, Ashtar, thank you for being here to listen to this. I know that you have heard some of this, if not all of it before, but I am bringing it into your attention - what you would call 'front and center,' on this occasion, because we are in the end times of darkness. We are moving into the Golden Age, the Age of Light, the Age of Love and the Age of Peace on Earth! So celebrate, be Joy-full and thank yourselves, Beloved Ones, as we who stand here with you in our Circle of Love, thank you - from our Hearts to yours, for being the Lightworkers, the Love Beamers, and the wonderful members of our Ashtar on the Road Family!!! And so it is. Salut!"

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