zondag 28 februari 2016

True Direct Democracy: The Nemesis of The Global Cabal.

Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Many of us were raised by our parents to respect those who fought to ensure our freedom and taught that we should vote because the vote is the basis of our freedom. It is what separates us from tyrannies and dictatorships, the right to choose who or which political party represents you. It supposedly keeps the politicians on their toes and is a means of keeping checks and balances.
This is all well and good in a sovereign nation with little or no threat from transnational corporate behemoths, criminal central bankers or treasonous trade deals that ‘cannot be refused’. Without such intrusions, elected politicians could focus on what they believe is best for the nation and her people, the vote could possibly mean something and for many years, to some degree, it did.
However, times have changed, oh and how they have changed.
Politicians come and go but those who hunger for control,the central bankers (whose private corporations control our monetary system), the heads of mega corporations and the generational ultra-wealthy families, have stealthily taken control of almost every aspect of our lives and nations. For our own sakes, it is imperative to understand how this has turned the tables on us, the people.
Things are not what they seem. The system does not work how we were taught it should, not any longer. Dynamic changes have been taking place which relegate the people to little more than a profitable annoyance. The political systems throughout the western world no longer afford adequate protection for the people from the insatiable greed of the powerful and wealthy psychopaths who devour anything and anyone in their way.
The systems worked okay for a few decades but this model is now past its shelf life and for he sake of our own futures, we really need to begin asking questions of it. Is the present model valid today? Is it the best we can do? Should we be entertaining notions of a better way? Is there a better way?
What does it mean to say the systems are inadequate to protect us? Please allow me to explain.
Because of the relatively recent surge in globalist power, our representatives, even the few who actually care about us, have been relegated to mere agents for the corporations and power elite. Those who in the past were the vanguard of the nation, the protectors of the welfare of the people have been bought off or coerced into lying down and allowing the globalists to run roughshod over them. They have proven they are now the weak link in the chain, the people and their nation are not represented or protected.
Government trade negotiators now act in the best interests of the globalists and sadly, frequently act as traitors to their own people. What else would you call those who sign the treasonous TPP or TTIP which strips our sovereignty and usurps our environmental laws purely for globalist profit? Let’s be clear here and call it for what it is — treason!
The biggest problem for the people is this isn’t merely a passing phase or a one-off situation. Now the weak link has been molded and established by the various elements of the cabal, we are on a one way trip to some kind of one-world authoritarian tyranny, should things go their way.
Reducing our elected representatives to treasonous lapdogs is only one part of the problem. Through the mainstream media that the same cabal uses as its propaganda platform, the people are lied to and manipulated to believe they should send their sons and daughters to die for what are really wars of greed instead of security and freedom and our representatives either buy into it or have no choice but to allow it.
The US and Canadian supermarkets are full of GMO foods and many of us feel they have not been tested properly and that we and our children are guinea pigs. And what do our elected representatives do for us? Nothing! They feel we are not worthy of having our food labelled so that we can choose which food to eat; a huge slap in the face of democracy. Who are they really working for then? Obviously not us.
These are just three instances of the people being sold out and there are many more. It really doesn’t matter any longer what the reasons are, threats or bribes, we simply have to do something; something which stops what is happening, something which protects the people from this treason, something which completely inhibits the cabal from ever having influence on our nations and people.
One thing for certain is we will not find the answer within the same systems in which this situation was allowed to happen. The systems of governance, whether in Canada, the US, the UK or Australia, are basically set up the same way. Each has the typical top-down-controlled, pyramid system with the masses at the bottom giving their power to the few at the top. This system has failed us via the weak link at the top who could not (and could not really be expected to) protect the people and the nation from the tentacles of the cabal.

Turning the Tide

So, how do we stop this? How do we fend off a very powerful, well organized cabal that has hijacked our governments and institutions and are readying for the global corporate grand prize of unlimited access to our land and water, on the road toward the new world order?
The obvious first answer should be to eliminate the weak link so that the cabal is blocked completely from manipulating and interfering in our lives, our laws, our rights, peace and well-being. With me so far? Good, because without understanding the underlying causes of the many issues which unnecessarily plague us, we have little chance of finding successful, lasting solutions.
It will serve us to keep in mind that just because we have had such top-down controlled systems in place for millennia does not mean it must remain that way. The evolutionary pace in most other aspects of our lives has been breathtaking, especially due to advances in technology, but our governance has not. Rather it has slid backwards and our rights and freedoms are devolving instead of evolving.
Back to the weak link issue…

True Direct Democracy - The Nemesis Of The Global Cabal - Central Banking Crimes
The Federal Reserves are privately owned corporations, which dictates control of finances to our so-called governments.

Hopefully it is becoming clear that we must make meaningful changes to our political systems; and that electing a different political party within the same system is nothing more than wishful thinking, yet again. Hopefully you have grasped the fact nothing will really improve with the present hijacked political systems and that the hijackers are never going to willingly release their grip on it all. Whatever changes we make, we must ensure they are comprehensive, as we are way past the ‘tinkering’ stage.
Thoughts of changes to the political system are of great concern to most people and many will choose to cling to the present systems while turning a blind eye to the growing plethora of issues with them. However, this is largely in part due to the fact the possible replacement systems most commonly known are undesirable.
It is my own belief that the present systems will soon be included in the list of ‘undesirables’ and will become just another dark chapter in our history, with us glad to see the back of them. But that is not now, and today I read many a comment which begs, “But if we just changed this rule or that, the present political system would still work ok, wouldn’t it?” I completely understand such sentiment which even the awakened are prone to but, NO, tinkering with the system will never protect the people from what we are now witnessing today. The entire system must evolve.
However, a complete change may very pleasantly surprise you and once you learn what the core issues are (as discussed earlier) and solid solutions for them, you may be eager to support such change!
What if you could learned that there IS a system which would offer maximum democracy, justice and fairness; a system in which every eligible voter has a real voice which drives the direction of the nation; a system in which we the people decide which laws we enshrine and which wars we actually need to fight for our security; a system which puts an end to almost all political corruption and drives a stake into the heart of the cabal. Would you release your grip on the present system and at least entertain the idea?
About two years ago I gave this much thought. What could be the fairest system for us all as a nation of millions with different ideas, needs, wants, ideologies, religions, etc?
A truly fair and comprehensive democracy should be free from being swayed or biased by any special interest groups, including religions and ideologues, or leaders of such a system become nothing more than “the new politicians” — something we can do far better without.
Leaders and representatives have a miserable track record and are responsible for allowing so many to die or be maimed in wars of corporate greed. Under their watchthey have also allowed the central bankers to perform the most amazing sleight of hand ever witnessed by man, allowing them to lend invisible money at interest to our nations, indebting each and every one of us — and that includes future generations who will be born into debt or economic slavery. They have treasonously obliterated our standards of living by allowing globalists to call all the shots, to cream ever more profit via outsourcing and free trade deals, the details of which are kept secret (apparently for our own protection).
Could we do better without these so-called leaders?
Have you noticed that most of the things your family and friends are stressed about or complain about are rooted in the present financial and political systems which have been shaped over time, with the blessing or coercion of our elected representatives? Everything from money problems to being irate over a new law, or the constant fear projected unnecessarily by the mainstream media, are rooted in the present systems overseen by the lurking shadow of the cabal, pulling the strings behind the veil.
Each way we turn we are affected by these systems, which would be fine if we had more say in them – but we do not. We have almost no say in them today, yet we pay for them and we pay for all the crony decisions made in their name.
A truly positive change in the political and financial systems would also be positively life-altering. Apart from the fact the people would control their nations’ destiny and every voter would decide on all issues, the cabal would have no way of controlling us, and the stress levels we take for granted today would diminish or evaporate. Over time (with more of our needs met than those of the banking, political and corporate cabal) our lives would cease to be driven by competition, greed and materialism, our ambitions no longer driven by brainwashing commercials or what our neighbours have. We would learn that happiness comes from within and from being a part of an empathetic, sharing community.

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