dinsdag 23 februari 2016

On the Third Eye.

As a result of their increasing degradation and degeneration, their spiritual faculties declined. The Third Eye – in the back of the head, that we mentioned earlier – started to become petrified and eventually disappeared completely, being withdrawn inside the head, where it remains to this day as the small organ known as the Pineal Gland which when awakened from its dormancy still has the power to produce genuine spiritual vision and accurate, even infallible, clairvoyant insight. This is not psychic clairvoyance, which is largely a mass of confusion and delusion, but spiritual clairvoyance. And this faculty, when awakened, is known as the Eye of Shiva or the Eye of Dangma or the Wisdom Eye.
Yet it is neither safe, easy, nor necessary for us to try to awaken and activate the Third Eye at this point in time. “The Secret Doctrine” emphasises that to do so safely and properly requires the utmost purity, celibacy, and chastity of life.
Sometimes people question this and wonder why it’s so but when we stop to think about the fact that it was the increasing materiality and sensuality of human beings that resulted in the obscuration and deterioration of the Third Eye and its faculties in the first place, it becomes plainly obvious that its reawakening or “re-opening” is dependent on the decrease of that materiality and sensuality on the part of the spiritual aspirant.

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