vrijdag 29 januari 2016

The call for integral universities.

Because of the fact that Belgium has no university for consciousness and/or integral theory studies yet like Naropa University in Boulder (America) for instance, I studied throughout the years many works of people like Sri Aurobindo, Alice Bailey, Rudolf Steiner, Manly Palmer Hall, Ken Wilber, Stanislav Grof, Helena Blavatsky, Ervin Laszlo, Roberto Assagioli, Bonnie Greenwell, Gopi Krishna, Krisnamurti, Don Beck, and many more mystics, occultists and scientists on my own. In the end I think that consciousness research is one of the most exciting fields of (private) study to be involved in. It would be great that these kind of studies would be available in many country's around the world within higher education programs. At this very moment, most of the work and study is for pioneers and visionaries around the planet, who dare to think outside the box and explore new fields and states of consciousness ....

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