maandag 18 januari 2016

Predictions by Alice Bailey.

Indication of the nearing of this event will be seen in the reaction which will be set up during the next twenty-five years against crime, sovietism, and the extreme radicalism which is now being made use of by certain powers to achieve ends contrary to the plans of the Lord. The era of peace will be ushered in by a gathering together on earth of the forces which stand for construction, and development, and by a conscious deliberate banding together of groups in every land who embody the principle (as far as they can vision it) of Brotherhood. Watch the signs of the times, and be not discouraged over the immediate future. 
A very interesting period will come about the year 1966 (Hippies !!!) and persist to the end of the century. It is one for which the Great Ones are already making due preparation. It concerns a centennial effort of the Lodge and of the Personages taking part therein. Each century sees a centennial effort of the Lodge along a particular line of force made to forward the ends of evolution, and the effort for the twentieth century will be upon a larger scale than has been the case for a very long time, and will involve a number of Great Ones. In a similar effort during the nineteenth century, H. P. B. was concerned, and a fairly large number of chelas. In the effort immediately ahead, several of the Great Ones are concerned and the Master of the Masters Himself; in Their "forthcoming" for work three out of the various methods of appearing mentioned earlier will be seen in full activity, and it is on these three that we might now touch.

Note :  Putin makes a great contribution in these times towards peace. Remember Edgar Cayce on Russia.

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