donderdag 21 januari 2016

Money Truth.

None of the Christed planets have a monetary system. You will only find a monetary system on a fallen Luciferian planet such as Earth. The monetary system of Earth was jointly designed and created by The Dark Lodge and The Illuminati to better control and enslave the people of Earth. And as you can see their evil plan has worked quite well. Nearly all of humanity is a slave to money and nearly all of humanity puts money first above all other things—including our beloved God. Everything about the monetary system of Earth is completely evil and unfair. The system itself is designed to keep the rich rich, the poor poor, and the middle class middle class. However, the reign of The Dark Lodge and The Illuminati is rapidly coming to a close, and as The Dark Lodge and The Illuminati disappear from this Earth forever, the evil monetary system they created will disappear from Earth as well.

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