zondag 27 december 2015

Phaedophilia exposure - David Icke.

‘This is among the most surprising, disturbing, and I think as-yet unmapped area of possible institutional corruption in the UK that has yet been uncovered. As with all subtly embedded webs of social engineering, it’s difficult if not impossible, to reduce it to a series of bullet points. What follows are are the main ones. For the full breakdown of the data, with citations, go here.
William Sargant (Tavistock and MKULTRA-affiliated) worked at St Thomas’ Hospital from 1948 to the end of his career as head of the department of psychological medicine. In 1962, Sargant’s assistant was David Owen, who had just qualified as a doctor. Two years earlier, Owen had joined the Vauxhall branch of the Labor Party and the Fabian Society. It was thanks to Owen that Jimmy Savile had free access to Broadmoor and all its patients “for a period in the 1980s when he was put in charge of a task force to run the secure hospital.”’

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