dinsdag 20 oktober 2015

My Vedic birth chart

Your Personal Details
User Name: Kristof Van HooymissenDate of Birth: 13/01/1983Time of Birth: 12:40 Time Zone : -1
E-Mail Id: kristofvanhooymissen1983@gmail.com
Place of Birth:Boom,BelgiumLatitude / Longitude: 051.05E/004.22N

Effects of Planets

Sun in 9th house You believe in other religions too,You might change your religion.You may wish to find, understand, live and accept a higher ideal or philosophy. But, then again, you may be one who insists upon scientific proof before anything can be believed. You will be a dutiful son and respect your elders .You are sighted thinker, one of high ideals and tolerance of other people's views or the dogmatic fanatic who just parrots what others have told you. Generally, there is a quest for truth and wisdom and a love of travel, not necessarily physical. Will have wealth, relatives and sons. Will have reverence for the preceptors and devotion to spiritual people.You may have an aptitude for foreign languages and a love of foreign culture.The moon combinig here with Sun causes eyes trouble.You will ambitious and enterprising.

Mercury in 10th house This benign position of Mercury in this horoscope makes one scholar, famous, and will have tremendous will power. Perhaps you will write or speak as a career. The teaching profession may hold promise for you. You have the ability to communicate your ideas to others and to be recognized for them. Will have wealth & all sorts of comforts. The dominance of Mercury on the Meridien makes one a thorough professioanl endowed with professional expertise and reputation.You have a strong determination and are fortunate ,active charitable, able, and philanthropic.

Venus in 10th house You are intelligent, famous and will be a doer of altruistic deeds.Your pleasant disposition and harmonious nature make you popular in your career and with the world at-large. People seem to want to do nice things for you. You will help people and will gain their respect.You are a very social person and are always a psart of a social gathering.You have a tallent of beautiful speech and people alway listen to you and follow your advice. Your voice may be used to please and inspire people. You have a loving and friendly approach to the world with a general attitude of optimism.You have Respect for divine people and parents. Will have wealth from textile trade. This dominance of Venus on the Meridien is good for business dealing with clothes.

Mars in 11th house Will have the gift of the gab or the divine gift of articulate speech. You have strong desires and wishes, social leadership ability and many casual associations with energetic and enterprising friends. You probably put a lot of energy into your friendships. It is important that you seek the right type of friendships. You can be taken advantage of by friends or you can take advantage of them. Active participation in group activities suits you well. Leadership within the group also appeals to you.Will have sons, wealth, comforts, prosperity, virility & determination. Will have a lot of subordinates. Will be truly versatile.You will gain profits from immovable properties.

Jupiter in 8th house You may have to face problems in life relating to health or money.you will face some difficulties in speech.Makes one dependent on others, will do sinful acts, will have high longevity, will be well liked by all, will do jobs on behalf of others, will be highly determined & will be interested in base women.. There may be financial gain through marriage, partnerships or inheritances. You are strongly emotional and should use your emotional energies to tap your psychic abilities so you can benefit, uplift, and heal mankind. Gain, opportunity and expansion through the use of other people's money is possible.You will have a long life but may indulge in dirty habits.

Saturn in 7th house You are a very enterprising and intelligent person. You know how the things are done and can also get the work done with great ease.You understand people easily and can judge what are others area thinking. There may be the tendency to attract older, more serious partners. Partnerships may involve much duty, responsibility and hard work. There may be a karmic tie from the past to the partners in this life. Whatever the case, there may be a feeling of restriction, bondage, depression and anxiety in your relationships. They certainly can be enduring, though. you may have troubled marriage and there are chances that you may marry twice.You should be caring of your partner and try to sole nall the problems amicably. You may marry for security rather than love. Discipline is needed in relationships.The responsibilities of marriage or the fear of marriage may delay marriage. You may sufffer from colic pains. Avoid eating junk food and restain from eating meat and other non-veg items . Eating an healthy vegetarin diet is advisable. Traveling to forigen counrtries will roll in profits. You can also go into politics. Saturn here indicates you need to learn to cooperate with and to develop empathy for others. You are perhaps cautious about marriage, but, when committed, may find it very difficult to leave your marriage partner, even if you are unhappy. You may marry for security rather than love. Discipline is needed in relationships. There may be a very self-controlled and sometimes calculating attitude towards all forms of partnership. You are inclined to seek a partner who will awaken your sense of responsibility and give you a greater sense of purpose and will to succeed. For a woman there may be a subconscious desire to marry a "father figure" and the partner may well feel an urge to organize your life on a more effective basis. The responsibilities of marriage or the fear of marriage may delay marriage. If Saturn is well aspected in your natal chart, then this position usually indicates that one loyally abides by marriage vows and faithfully carries out marital duties. With a well placed and well aspected natal Saturn, the partner is likely to be a person of integrity, faithful, steady, reliable, industrious, persevering and economical, perhaps not over-demonstrative and preferring deeds to words, and providing a real anchor for the partnership. If natal Saturn is badly aspected, then there is a tendency to endure an unhappy marriage rather than to lose face by breaking up. If you neglect to make your partner happy, your own happiness will be affected in the same proportion. This position can also mean a second choice marriage, which endures in spite of boredom, unhappiness and a lack of love. In other words you may have wanted to marry someone else but settled on a second choice instead. The partner may act in such a way as to become a burden, and may be uncommunicative, narrow in outlook, cold, and over-critical. In some cases the spouse may be much loved, but prone to ill health. Marriage to a widow or widower is possible.

Moon in 9th house You will be fortunate and prosperous.Will be highly religious,liberal & will have devotion to elders and preceptors. Will possess devotion of a high order. you will be highly popular educated, intelligent and well read.You are a lover of fiction, builder of charitable institutions and devotional.You will acquire wealth and will be active in all the work you do. You are fond of tarvelling and will visit many lands. Issues regarding foreign travel, relocation, even citizenship change are important dimensions to consider in the quest for work conditions that will bring personal success.You are God fearing and religious.You are also very faithful.You will have good children and will be proud of them.You will do righteous deeds ;will be successful and have good reputation.

Uranus in 8th house You have strong psychic feelings and a keen intuition. You perhaps have unconventional ideas about life, sex and death, which you do not necessarily reveal. The afterlife is a great mystery for you and you may seek to probe for answers. The occult sciences in general may intrigue you. You may experience difficulties through nervous tension. Sudden loss or gain could come about with other people's resources. There can be an unexpected inheritance or financial gain through unusual sources. Be careful around electricity and machinery. An interest in healing, perhaps through the laying on of hands, attends this position. You may have entertained thoughts of suicide in earlier years.

Neptune in 9th house You tend to be idealistic, reverent, mystical and philosophical. You are drawn to ideas that espouse the oneness of all life and the idea of the immortal life of the Spirit. Dreams can be very vivid and possibly prophetic. If carried too far, your religious or metaphysical beliefs could border on fanaticism. Good judgment in these areas can be clouded and confused. Exaggeration can be present. Trouble with in-laws may surface due to lack of compassion and understanding. Be careful who you choose to follow as you may encounter wolves in sheep's clothing. In your travels you prefer to wander around on your own without too much planning or forethought. Strange, unforeseen things can occur while traveling long distances.

Pluto in 7th house Control and power issues along with feelings of ownership are present with the partner or spouse. Cooperation with the mate will need to be learned. A partner may be selected based on that person's ability to stand their ground and not give in. A partner such as this could make the relationship very combative and competitive rather than harmonious and equal-sided.

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