woensdag 28 oktober 2015

Gita and biblical inspiration.

In this write-up I am going list thirteen (13) characteristics of a righteous person which David mentioned in Psalm 15.
Here we go,
A righteous person lives a blameless life or walks uprightly 
Someone who is righteous works righteousness 
Righteous people speak the truth from their heart 
They refuse to gossip or backbite
They refuse to do evil to their neighbour
Righteous people do not accept criticisms or shame from others concerning their neighbours
Righteous people refuse to speak bad things about their neighbours or friends
A righteous person stays away from flagrant sinners
A righteous individual honours those who fear the Lord
They keep their promises or oaths or vows at all cost
A righteous person does not lend money at an exorbitant rate of interest
They refuse to take bribes
A righteous person protects the innocent at all times

Chapter 18: Conclusion-The Perfection of Renunciation

samo damas tapah saucam
ksantir arjavam eva ca
jnanam vijnanam astikyam
brahma-karma svabhava-jam
śamaḥ—peacefulness; damaḥ—self-control; tapaḥ—austerity; śaucam—purity; kṣāntiḥ—tolerance; ārjavam—honesty; eva—certainly; ca—and; jñānam—wisdom; vijñānam—knowledge; āstikyam—religiousness; brahma—of a brāhmaṇa; karma—duty; svabhāva-jam—born of his own nature.

Peacefulness, self-control, austerity, purity, tolerance, honesty, wisdom, knowledge, and religiousness-these are the qualities by which the brāhmaṇas work.

Chapter 18: Conclusion-The Perfection of Renunciation

sauryam tejo dhrtir daksyam
yuddhe capy apalayanam
danam isvara-bhavas ca
ksatram karma svabhava-jam


śauryam—heroism; tejaḥ—power; dhṛtiḥ—determination; dākṣyam—resourcefulness; yuddhe—in battle; ca—and; api—also; apalāyanam—not fleeing; dānam—generosity; īśvara—leadership; bhāvaḥ—nature; ca—and kṣātram-kṣatriya; karma—duty; svabhāva-jam—born of his own nature.


Heroism, power, determination, resourcefulness, courage in battle, generosity, and leadership are the qualities of work for the kṣatriyas.

Chapter 18: Conclusion-The Perfection of Renunciation

vaisya-karma svabhava-jam
paricaryatmakam karma
sudrasyapi svabhava-jam
kṛṣi—ploughing; go—cows; rakṣya—protection; vāṇijyam—trade; vaiśya-vaiśya; karma—duty; svabhāva-jam—born of his own nature; paricaryā—service; ātmakam—nature; karma—duty; śūdrasya—of the śūdra; api—also; svabhāva-jam—born of his own nature.

Farming, cattle raising and business are the qualities of work for the vaiśyas, and for the śūdras there is labor and service to others.

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