donderdag 22 oktober 2015

Blue Galactic Night - 23/10/2015

Galactic tone
Modeling - Integrity - Harmonize
Galactics often model or hold the ideal of a paradigm that they explore. They rarely bend the rules, except when it will benefit others or a group, and are a shinning example of whatever vocation it is that you choose. You are very thorough in your research on a topic, and quickly become expert at whatever you focus on.

Blue Night
West/Blue Transforms
Dream - Intuition - Abundance
Mysterious, logical, powerful, conservative, thoughtful, organized, introspective, deep, strength to endure, possibility

I Harmonize in order to Dream,
Modeling Intuition.
I seal the Input of Abundance.
With the Galactic tone of Integrity.
I am guided by the power of Accomplishment.
I am a galactic activation portal...enter me.

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