vrijdag 16 oktober 2015

Activism: The Way to Demonstrate Your Spirituality (David Icke - 16/10/2015)


‘Activism is what the Earth needs right now especially from conscious individuals, conscious groups and conscious communities. Those who’ve started their awakening process most likely can see that we are living in maya (as the ancient Buddhist teachings tell us), a fake world of deception or a giant Matrix. Many have already begun to see that close to everything is fake, from MSM (Mainstream Media) news, to food, to scientific research, to Government itself.
While it is true that to be effective we must address the cause of the problem – the dysfunction of the mind/ego complex inside all of us – it is also true that merely trying to be more spiritual or become enlightened in your own isolated and separate bubble is not going to help the state of the world and alleviate others’ suffering very much. Sure, by focusing on your own enlightenment you can avoid adding to the collective misery and pain, but what is the point of all that enlightenment if you’re not going to do anything with it?’

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