dinsdag 27 oktober 2015


Yellow Cosmic Star 
I Endure in order to Beautify,
Trancending Art.
I seal the Store of Elegance.
With the Cosmic tone of Presence.
I am guided by the power of Free-Will.
Trancending - Presence - Endure
Cosmics have the patience of a great tree. Psychically, you have been through most of what you experience around you, so you are often a good ear for others because of your enduring patience and perseverence. You can often see above the fray of emotional dramas, transcending the argument or conflict and offering calm, lucid, objective advice.
Yellow Star
South/Yellow Ripens
Beautify - Art - Elegance
Harmony, expansion, wayshower, clever, hopeful, energetic, inspirational, nervous, playful, loving, busy, starred, intelligent

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