zondag 27 september 2015

September 27 2015 Energy of the Day FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE IN ARIES

Daily Horoscope September 27 2015 FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE IN ARIES

Today is the day of the powerful Full Moon/Super Moon/Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Aries! This Moon finishes up several cycles from 2 weeks ago, to back in April, to the beginning of this set of eclipses in 2013, to even 1996! We are in the final energies of some strong relationship lessons that we have all been working through. This particular Full Moon Eclipse is happening at 7:50 pm PDT at 4 degree Aries: the Sabian symbol for 4 degrees Aries is: Two lovers strolling on a secluded walk. The sabian symbol for 4 degrees Libra is: Around a campfire a group of young people sit in spiritual communion. This is showing us on so many levels, the relationship energy that this eclipse is working with. We are working on a universal level, an interpersonal level and personal level of relationships, from the self to others to nature to the Universe as a whole. Even if you were to be a hermit on a mountain, you couldn’t escape these lessons 😉 4 degrees is the degree of revolution evolution. The universe is providing us with Uranus energy, energy of the individual, the innovator, to help us reclaim the vibration of the part we play in this world! Pay attention to what comes up in you and around you as we move into and through this powerful energy! Before the eclipse shift, the Moon in Aries will connect to Saturn in Sagittarius which reminds us that it is our response-ability to be open to our own lessons in this energy! Venus will also be at 22 degrees in Leo, a master degree asking us to LOVE ourselves with a capital L-O-V-E and express that love into the world through our creativity and joie de vivre! This eclipse is also fully connecting to the Goddess vibration with Juno and Lilith conjunct the Sun in Libra and Vesta conjunct the Moon! Powerful Goddess energy! Juno and Lilith are interesting in Libra.. Juno represents marriage in the chart, a true partnership that we need, whereas Lilith left her relationship because she wasn’t honored as an equal. These goddesses are reminding you of these lessons in this eclipse… you deserve the relationship that you desire… including with yourself. Vesta conjunct the Moon reminds us that we are portals of goddess energy here on Earth. She is reminding you of your divinity and to honor your divinity in relationship. Know your worth and own it as part of your place in the world! The actually shadow that makes the eclipse is the shadow of the Earth, which I think may show us some of our shadow parts that are still holding back that shine! We worked with much of this during Saturn in Scorpio, but there is still work to be done. Don’t just brush away whatever comes up before, during or after this eclipse. Its giving you powerful insight for where there is still work in your patterns and personal mastery! Lots more in the horoscope video below! Namaste!
Now is a powerful time to book a reading or distance energy session to work on and improve the relationship that you have with you! http://www.gaiablooming.com/mimi-clark


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