dinsdag 22 september 2015

Refugee crisis: EU ministers to discuss binding quotas - as it happened ... (Hoping for a good outcome).

  • Central European states resisting refugee quotas
  • Ban Ki-moon urges European leaders to show compassion
  • Hungarian army given power to block migrants


We are going to pause the blog for now, so here’s a summary of the latest key developments:
Once again Britain has said it won’t take part in any EU-wide resettlement programme for refugees.
But that didn’t stop Home Secretary Theresa May hectoring her European colleagues on how to treat “illegal economic migrants.”
Arriving at the meeting of EU interior ministers, she said: “We need to get on with the job of the wider measures that need to be taken of ensuring that we are breaking the link for economic migrants of making this dangerous journey and settling in Europe. So we need to return those people who are illegal economic migrants and who have no right to be here and we need to ensure that people arriving at Europe’s borders are being properly dealt with, properly fingerprinted, so that decisions can be made, and where there are economic migrants they can be returned.”

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