donderdag 24 september 2015

Oostende (Dutch/English) #Advice

Oostende leert zich overgeven ... (19 Punten)
The Ancients called this the ‘Number of Surrender’ as your life needs to link up with the Universal Life.
The number 19 is an endurance vibration. It brings everything into focus, winds up old accounts and starts off anew. People influenced by the number 19 can be completely self-absorbed, are usually extroverts and are often egotistical. They can also become dependent on others and will find that there are many obstacles in their path until they learn to balance their needs with the needs of others.
Not exactly an easy number, number 1 represents 'new beginnings' and number 9 represents 'endings'. When number 19s have determination to erase past mistakes they then develop their true Spiritual character with unshakable faith and a philosophy that will sustain them.
A lover of travelling to unusual places, success and even fame are often seen with this number. However, they need constant encouragement. Stubborn and independent, this energy excels anywhere they can show their leadership qualities.
Those born on the 19th will be sensitive (to the point of hypersensitivity), but may achieve fame in an unusual field.

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