woensdag 2 september 2015

Governments can worse than treason! Heaven always works it out in the favour of the good. Good always wins.

Click Here For Movie Poster (2Mb) Grand Festival Award Winner 2005 Berkeley Film Festival FEATURING: Dr. Doug Rokke Director of the U.S. Army Depleted Uranium Project Dennis Kyne NBC Medical Specialist Veteran's Advocate Bob Jones, SSGT RET. Veteran - Op. Desert Storm Joyce Riley, RN BSN Spokesperson, American Gulf War Veterans Association Leuren Moret Geological Scientist and International Radiation Expert Mark Zeller, SSGT Veteran - Op. Desert Storm Lt. Col. John Marks 303rd Fighter Squadron Whiteman AFB News Archives Press Kit Film Reviews Contact Us Resources Get The DVD What you don't know about your government could kill you... Department of Defense documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act expose the horrific underworld of the disposable army mentality and the government funded experimentation upon US citizens conducted without their knowledge or consent. To Order your copy of the Beyond Treason DVD call toll free 1-877-817-9829 or online at The Power Mall UNMASKING SECRET MILITARY PROJECTS: Chemical & Biological Exposures Radioactive Poisoning Mind Control Projects Experimental Vaccines Gulf War Illness Depleted Uranium (DU) Is the United States knowingly using a dangerous battlefield weapon banned by the United Nations because of its long-term effects on the local inhabitants and the environment? Explore the illegal worldwide sale and use of one of the deadliest weapons ever invented. Beyond the disclosure of black-ops projects spanning the past 6 decades, Beyond Treason also addresses the complex subject of Gulf War Illness. It includes interviews with experts, both civilian and military, who say that the government is hiding the truth from the public and they can prove it. Additional Bonus CD-Rom contains thousands of pages of corroborating documentation, which can be viewed from most any computer via an internet browser. (Internet Explorer Recommended) http://www.beyondtreason.com/

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