zaterdag 19 september 2015

Former Merck rep explains how mandatory vaccination is pushed for Big Pharma profit, not public health

(NaturalNews) For five ruthless years, Merck & Co. knowingly deceived and poisoned 80 million people around the world with their infamous and deadly drug Vioxx. The drug was taken off the market in 2004 after a study revealed that Vioxx doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke in those who took the drug. The psychopaths who run Merck knowingly falsified safety data on Vioxx, which ultimately led to numerous heart attacks and strokes in unsuspecting patients.

All of Merck's sales representatives must have realized at that point that they were nothing more than pawns for one of the most guile, criminal operations on the planet. Upon hearing the news in 2003, one sales rep decided to quit, disillusioned by the corruption she had become an acolyte for. As her eyes were opened and her life journey pressed on, it became apparent that her greatest desires for truth in medicine were going to express themselves as her reality unfolded. Her name is Brandy Vaughan.

Dismissed for asking questions

After moving to Europe and having her first son, she decided to move back to the U.S. to live in San Francisco, California. She didn't trust pharmaceutical companies, but she did take her son to a wellness visit. The doctor pushed for several vaccinations for her son, who was at the precious age of six months. The doctor grew angry with Vaughan because she asked to see the vaccine inserts. After storming out of the office, the angry doctor sent a nurse in to tell Vaughan that she and her son were not welcome back.

Vaughan, who knew very little about vaccines at the time, was simply asking questions. After getting no answers from her doctor and getting the cold shoulder, she grew passionate about learning what vaccines were, what they were for, and what was in them.

Uncovering the sinister plot behind mandatory vaccinations

With no reason to trust pharmaceutical companies, Vaughan sought out information on her own. She soon learned that the vaccine industry not only had legal immunity from the damage vaccines caused, but she also found flawed safety data on vaccines that mirrored the Vioxx situation. The more she learned about vaccine toxins, the more she became passionate about not vaccinating her son.

As she started to raise awareness about the risks of vaccines, she began to realize a more sinister plot: pharmaceutical companies want to use the force of government to mandate vaccine schedules on all children. In 1952, that vaccine schedule included about seven doses. Today, the CDC's vaccine schedule includes up to 49 doses before a child turns six years old. There are hundreds of vaccines currently being developed. It has become a game where pharmaceutical companies profit from the fears of disease instead of actually providing education to improve public health through nutrition. Profits are made by poisoning the blood of children with toxic adjuvants like aluminum.

Vaughan speaks out in new interview

The former Merck rep understood that "just because things are on the market, does not mean they're safe." Vaughan now does everything she can to inform parents about their power to choose what's best for their children. She speaks out ardently against California's SB 277 forced vaccination law.

"If there's a risk, there has to be a choice," says Vaughan. She has been repeatedly intimidated. Her house has been broken into several times since her rally against SB 277 at the California state capitol. Police told her that her home was likely "tapped" during one break-in. Her computer was tampered with in another break-in. Despite the intimidation, Vaughan continues to speak out. She founded the non-profit Council for Vaccine Safety, which strives to "increase public awareness and education on the risk of vaccines while advocating for safer vaccines."

Listen to Vaughan's full story in this enlightening new interview.

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