vrijdag 25 september 2015

Cosmic Weather ~ Fall (Spring) Equinox, Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse & Energy Update - Michael Silver

Cosmic Weather – Fall (Spring) Equinox, 
Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and Energy update
Hello friends. There is so much going on at the moment I have extended the usual Full Moon report to include the Physical Avatar report and other pertinent information.
Fall (Spring) Equinox, 9/23
Equinox gateway periods are always significant points of power on the planet as the magnetic field of the earth is impacted by the placement of the Sun in its alignment with the equator. This is why ritual and meditation have been significantly observed at these points by many different cultures around the globe. The Equinox kicks off this portal of energy nicely to set the stage for what is to follow with the upcoming Full Moon/Eclipse.
Dear ones, based on your question we see that the upcoming period of the Fall (Spring) Equinox, Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse bring a vibrational opportunity that could be described as a “quickening” of sorts. Though these energies are already present in your realm, we see the period of the most significance will be 9/23-28, with an integration period to follow 9/29-30.
Some of the possible uses for these energies can manifest in the following ways:
1) The shift and healing of physical and emotional issues, especially of a chronic or long-term nature as these energies will be impactful though all of your energetic bodies and also at a cellular level.
2) The dropping of energies most commonly in the form of beliefs, especially those that are no longer useful or in support of you being your most authentic divine self.
3) The realization and shift around any “roles” you have taken on as part of your soul mission that are no longer necessary. More veils will be dropped so to speak, as you step into greater levels of alignment and realization.
In combination with some of the other astro-cosmic energies present at the time (i.e. Mercury Retrograde) it will be helpful to remain open and flexible. Energies, concepts and situations will be moving through quickly.
We would especially like to invite those who identify as Empathic and/or highly sensitive to remain in their own circle (of energy) so to speak, and remain grounded and centered. This is one of the periods where the astral realms will be “busy,” and this could prove distracting or unbalancing to you. Be at peace dear ones. These periods in your world are wisely designed, as the energies that have configured are highly intelligent and purposeful. In periods of change and evolution there may be some discomfort that arises for some beings in which resistance can increase its intensity. Please do know that you are not without spiritual assistance at all times. You are dearly loved. Shanti. – The Keepers, 9.19.15
Physical Avatar Report for 9/23-28, 2015


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