dinsdag 11 augustus 2015


Children are born with open heart chakras, a perfect balance of loving energy that has been undisturbed, untouched and unscathed. Only to learn emotional traumas, and toils of “growing pains” in this physicality. It takes courage to come to this plane and fight the battles of this world. And yet, we are all here. We are all in this present moment learning and discovering emotional hardships on our quests to spiritual fulfillment and joy.
As it is only, by connecting back to our source of creation while here, can we experience the euphoric state of our spiritual, eternal origin.
Whether you understand it or not, all children are born with what is called Extra Sensory Abilities. Expressed or unexpressed all children have unique gifts of what would be called “spiritually awakened children”. It is only time, and improper nurture of these natural gifts that deflower our children’s natural abilities.
How can we know every child has these gifts? It is quite simple and it is because all abilities, of pychic awareness, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. simulate at the heart center. It is only be knowing your own heart that you can give these gifts to the world. Intuition is the basis of our connection to the esoteric and intuition stems from feelings that are generated by our heart centers.
If we want to raise spiritual awakened children we must be equipped in knowing what steps to take to raise children with high emotional EQ’s.
The following points are essential in ensuring that we promoting and encouraging the spiritual growth of our children, which will ensure a spiritually evolved society in the future.

1.Teach Your Children Emotions are OKIndigo-Children

Emotions of anger, guilt, sadness, happiness and joy, must all be embraced. By teaching our children, that it is not ok to be angry, we are teaching them to repress emotions.
When we repress emotions, they harbor inside and become unresolved feelings that block the heart centre. All emotions and feeling must be expressed in healthy ways.

Here are 3 steps to use if your child is angry or frustrated

1. Recognize the emotion
2. Bring it “front and center” allow your child to understand the feeling of anger or frustration
3. Give your child a healthy way to release it. For example if your child is angry, let them yell ” I AM ANGRY” let them yell it as many times as they need until the anger is released.
What I have found, by doing this, by the time they are done, it will usually end with a laugh. Because children know how to laugh at themselves, you have given them a healthy release and it makes them feel good to know this.

2. Remove Programming of Good and Bad Behavior

Good Boy!, Bad Boy! Remove this from your vocabulary!— By teaching your child that he or she is being good or you are maxresdefaultbeing bad,  you are instilling a process, of self worth and separation within themselves. They begin to view themselves with an alter ego. And so we have born am angel on the right shoulder and a devil on the left.
There is no angel and no devil, there is only good deeds and bad deeds. We need to focus on the deed and not the child.
There are things that we say and do that may hurt others, or ourselves, and things we can do and say that love others and ourselves. The correction is in the deed not the child.

3. Listen to Them

This may seem obvious, but it is much deeper. Children say things, and we like to think they are just saying things, because they are kids and they say just about anything. But when you really listen and pay attention, you will begin to notice slight intuitive abilities. It is your job to find these abilities, and it is your job to nurture that ability, so that they can give their gift to the world.

Do not laugh or discard what they tell you, no matter how unrealistic or “off” it may sound. There is so much you can learn from your child and if you can learn to perceive without judgement or rationalizing what they are saying you can pierce beyond the veil. It is your programming, that rationalizes, children do not lie.

4. They Have a Gift to Give

Know that  your child is not just “your child” your child is here for a purpose, for a soul calling, for a mission that only he can complete. And to be able to recognize this, we need to give our children our time. Because our time is the most precious gift you can give them, And by doing so, you will understand why.

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