zondag 14 juni 2015

Astrology Forecast for June 14-20, 2015

Hi everyone! Here we are, at the end of the month of Gemini! This week we will see the birth of the New Moon of Cancer and brand new spiritual adventures!
Let’s start with a greater understanding of this month’s sign, as well as a heightened consciousness about the cosmic climate we are about to encounter.
Our dear Cancerian friends are perhaps the most emotional people of the entire zodiac. In kabbalistic astrology, they are considered to be the water of all water signs! It’s no wonder then that tears come so easily to them, and that they sometimes "bleed" emotion all over the place!
One of the greatest difficulties for Cancerians is to maintain proper boundaries. They become very easily entangled with the people they love—to the extent that they often smother them. Cancer is the water of the oceans—it's completely uncontainable, like a tsunami!
Extremely intuitive, often psychic (or in any case very attuned to the cosmos), Cancerians have the gift of sight, which is often overshadowed by their fears. And fear is definitely not a stranger to this sign! This is due to the powerful influence of the moon. Kabbalistically, the moon represents the fragmented world, the bits and pieces of life we find difficult to connect. In astrology, it symbolizes hidden emotions, the way we internally respond to life. Take a look at the moon; it never seems the same! Our Cancerian friends will indeed experience a greater spectrum of emotion than the average person.
Since the moon does not have any light of its own (it reflects the sunlight), Cancerians often feel deprived. Whether it’s love or attention, what they receive is just never quite enough. They compensate by making themselves needed by others and can sometimes manipulate their surroundings. Love can be a very useful currency!
Another side effect of being ruled by the moon—the closest and only satellite of Earth—is never feeling good enough and having low self-esteem. Going from getting lots of attention (full moon) to not getting anything (invisible moon), makes the Cancerian mood fluctuate like ocean waves, up and then down.
There is a good reason why some people were called "LUNATICS" in ancient times. The word comes from the Latin word, luna, meaning the moon. Everyone is familiar with werewolf stories, which always happen during a full moon!
Because of their sensitivity, everyone wants to confess to a Cancerian. (They make brilliant detectives.) Cancerian women will always give others a feeling of warmth and coziness, and will often become rescuers! One of our team members has a Cancerian mom, who invited strangers to their dinner table practically every week, usually another poor soul the mom wanted to rescue and invited over because she felt so bad for them!
Cancerian men tend to be a lot more withdrawn than their female counterparts.
Very fond of antiques and objects from the past, they make fine collectors (they find security in the past). The future, on the other hand… Many historians, antique dealers, and tormented artists are indeed born under this sign.
In fact, within the element of water lies the strongest memory of the zodiac.
The tikun, or karma of Cancerians has a lot to do with family. Codependency issues or resentment because of a difficult childhood are often buried deep in their hearts.
Both a positive or negative childhood experience will create a challenge for the sign. If it's too good, they will cling to their families like to dear life. And if it’s too harsh, they will feel bitterness for a very long time.
The real dream of any Cancerian is to have a happy family forever. That’s exactly what the cosmos challenges them with! For example, consider King Henry VIII and all his wives; he just wanted a male heir and a decent wife and that didn’t happen!
On a good note, Cancerians are often sharing and capable of sooo much love.
Famous Cancerians include:
  • George Orwell
  • The Dalai Lama
  • John Rockefeller
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Franz Kafka (tormented writer)
  • Julius Caesar
  • Rembrandt (painter)
  • Marc Chagall (painter)
  • Ernest Hemingway (writer)
Three great tips for this month:
  • Don’t hold on to grudges.
  • Connect with your intuition and 6th sense.
  • When you decide to share, never regret it!
- See more at: http://livingwisdom.kabbalah.com/astrology-forecast-june-14-20-2015#sthash.KMHXbhsh.dpuf

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