vrijdag 27 februari 2015

Remembering this beautiful day in 2012 ...

In 2012 the EU received the Nobel Peace Prize for advancing the causes of peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe.
The EU decided to dedicate the Nobel Peace Prize money to children who are denied the chance of growing up in peace and to double the Nobel award (€930,000), to €2 million. As a result, more than 28,000 children have so far benefited from the four emergency-education projects selected last year.
As a lasting political legacy of the Nobel Peace Prize, and as a targeted tool for education in conflict zones, the EU will continue this initiative in the years to come. For 2013, the EU has again doubled the resources and attributed a further €4 million to cover both the existing and new projects.

Source : http://europa.eu/about-eu/basic-information/eu-nobel/index_en.htm

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