zaterdag 6 december 2014

The Truth about the Number 13

The number 13 is the number of origin; it is the complete number for the Universe.

We know from what we are told as children and when we are adults that this number is unlucky, so we avoid it where possible. For example many hotels and streets do not have this number they go from 12 to 14. We are also taught from young that Friday the 13th is a very unlucky and bad day; even today some people will not go out on this day.

In religion we are told that this number is the number of rebellion due to its first appearance in the Bible in Genesis XIV.4 – “Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” Then there are the numbers which religions recommend to us as being good and sacred, such as 7, 9, 12 and 10. These they say are the numbers we should abide to such as the Ten Commandments, 7 days of the week, 12 months of the year and St. Paul enumerates the 9 fruits of the spirit.
However, these numbers are to keep hidden the truth from us, that the number 13 is the beginning and the end (the Alpha and Omega) of everything. Even our governments and superiors tell us that the number 13 is bad, yet secretly in their organisations and societies they adore the number for it is death and rebirth, completion and perfection. It is the number of the divine the Mother Goddess. It also represents sacred sexuality and the sacred secret knowledge of the ancients.

In Britain it is a really ancient number that used to be associated with good things, but over time became bad or unlucky due to the influx of Christianity. This can be seen in how our times of the day used to be divided into 13 parts. We can also see this number in the Arthurian myths which say that Merlin guards the 13 Treasures of Britain, as well as in the ancient writings of the Bards in Wales, where we have things such as the Sacred Chord of the Druids had 13 segments and that there are 13 Doctrines of the Bards.

The United States of America also has a close association with this number. The American flag has 13 horizontal stripes 6 white and 7 red. They also show their secret association with this number in their Great Seal, this has 13 stars, 13 arrows, 13 berries 13 stripes and 13 leaves, as well as two 13 letter phrases. The most important one though showing their association with this number is that originally there were 13 colonies.
Many secret societies around the world also have the 13 bug, such as the Illuminati who believe this number is unique and the most correct number of all. The Illuminati is also said to be run by 13 families. We see the same type of association for the number with Freemasonry as well, which has close ties to the Illuminati. The Sisters of the Divine Goddess who are another secret society in Britain also believe this number to be very sacred and the ultimate number of the ALL. The highest order of Knights in Britain is another organisation associated with this number along with various other groups.

In ancient histories this number is found in its original form of being the special sacred number of the entire universe. Example: In Egyptian mythology there are 13 steps on the ladder that leads to eternity. There are many myths around the world that show the true meaning of the number, however most of these are re-worked by others to show a different number, rather than the true one, for instance the number 12. You can see this in things such as the 12 Apostles yet they forget that Jesus makes 13.

It is interesting to see how many religions try to turn this number into something bad, when it really isn’t. They cite things such as the 13 titles of the Anti-Christ in the New Testament or that in the Kabalah it says there are 13 Spirits of Evil. Yet they also have in Judaism the belief that the number means LOVE. They will also pursue the line that it means DEATH to discourage you from the truth. Another bit of disinformation they like to give is the following verse from the Bible: “ Genesis 13.13 - Now the men of Sodom were wicked, great sinners against the Lord”.

So what have you learnt from the above about the true nature of the number?
1. That it is a sacred number meaning Death and Rebirth – Please note reincarnation has 13 letters.

2. It also means the Beginning and the End – The Alpha and Omega.

3. It is the true sign of Sacred and Secret Knowledge.

4. The number also means Love, Sacred Sexuality and the Mother Goddess.

5. That it is the number for Completion and Perfection.

6. The true number of God. The universal All Seeing, All Knowing.

7 Yes it is associated with the Devil and bad things, however the Devil and bad things are associated with any ancient and old knowledge. This was how the Christian church portrayed that what they did not like or saw as heretical, due to the truth within it.

Now ORRAR does believe that everything within the Universe of major importance revolves around this number and it simply means: THE ALL, EVERYTHING.

When your eyes are opened to this number you will have died spiritually, and been reborn with the sacred knowledge. You will begin your journey on the road to completion and perfection. You will begin to love all things and see the true God, The Mother Goddess. She will show you the way forward through her knowledge, love and sacred sexuality. Your eyes will have opened to the Universal All Seeing and All Knowing of the supreme.
You will see it everywhere!

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