donderdag 20 november 2014

Repost of an important astrological influence ... turbulent times of change and radical revolution in the air.

In 2009 Pluto moved into Capricorn and will reside there until 2024.  The American Revolution was about to occur when PLUTO WAS IN CAPRICORN and moved into Aquarius in January 1778.  It is important to note that Pluto takes about 248 years to make a complete cycle, spending 12 to 32 years in each sign. During this time from January 2009 until 2024 there will be a change in world government. This is a time to transform old structures into new and enduring ones. The focus on Pluto at this time brings the highest corporations under ruthless scrutiny as the these predators move from carnivorous to become cannibals and feed upon those that slip in the dangerous game of world domination. Back into history 250 years ago we are at the point in cyclic time where Pluto was in 1765. The Boston Massacre 1770, The Boston Tea Party 1773, Writing the Declaration of Independence 1776, The Continental Army at Valley Forge 1777 – these were revolutionary times… as the world saw much the same happening with many wars and national power struggles. It is curious to note the British Surrender at Yorktown, 1781 – was when Pluto moved into the Next sign.
Pluto moves through barriers and transforms the world in big ways. In this time period everything changed from monarchies and the absolute power of England to the breaking of the royal hold on people as with 250 years before the transformation from the Pope and his Kings began with the Renaissance and Reformation.
The evolutionary Squares with Uranus, Pluto and Saturn, are here to clean house for this incoming energy. This waves are moving rapidly breaking, releasing, washing away old patterns of existence. The opening of the vortex increases the power .... to overflow the Third Dimensional banks, governments, religions, corporations, organizations, managers and supervisors who seek to contain the transformative power of the Universe. It is a force of enormous power, a tidal wave emanating forth from a central galactic pulse called by your collective aspirations. Take heed and know that those who hold back and keep their energy trapped inside the old paradigms are facing a radical shift of power. There is chaos as everything is transformed. Allow this time line to settle in the higher dimensions as you are in agreement with the purpose and plan of this great revolution. There are those who come here to teach and practically bring forth the passage into higher dimensions of culture, technology, energy and spiritual service to guide, to enlighten and to be compassionate. Be one of these planetary teachers.

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