maandag 22 september 2014

Somebody on facebook asked me to share this Astrological report ...

GoldRing Astrology Report

Fall 2014September

It has been some time since my last newsletter. The past few years have brought many lessons and transformations that have guided us into becoming smarter, wiser, more heart-centered and conscious beings. My clients and friends I feel there are big transformations ahead and we all need clear insight to navigate through these times. There are very positive alignments and those that are negative, to choose wisely within the accelerating cycles demands knowledge of inner changes and the understanding of your chart to know how to manifest the best.

Individually we have opportunities and responsibilities to change. Changes of directions come from long planning, from reaction, by resignation, by will, choice, spontaneous or sometimes completely out of the blue. The tensions of society are reaching a point of renaissance, rebirth and restoration. Seeing this along with the chaos, change and personal life transitions demands attention.
The larger cycles of the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are considered to be generational influences which are impersonal and powerful when understood in their extended time frames. We are noting these positions and their relationships in History while focusing on the month we are moving into. We've pasted certain GoldRing passages within interpretations in order to move us all toward the higher energy and see the grander vision. Peace, Harmony, Prosperity and Love to you all.
Pluto and Jupiter trine in Capricorn
In 2009 Pluto moved into Capricorn and will reside there until 2024.  The American Revolution was about to occur when PLUTO WAS IN CAPRICORN and moved into Aquarius in January 1778.  It is important to note that Pluto takes about 248 years to make a complete cycle, spending 12 to 32 years in each sign. During this time from January 2009 until 2024 there will be a change in world government. This is a time to transform old structures into new and enduring ones. The focus on Pluto at this time brings the highest corporations under ruthless scrutiny as the these predators move from carnivorous to become cannibals and feed upon those that slip in the dangerous game of world domination. Back into history 250 years ago we are at the point in cyclic time where Pluto was in 1765. The Boston Massacre 1770, The Boston Tea Party 1773, Writing the Declaration of Independence 1776, The Continental Army at Valley Forge 1777 – these were revolutionary times… as the world saw much the same happening with many wars and national power struggles. It is curious to note the British Surrender at Yorktown, 1781 – was when Pluto moved into the Next sign.
Pluto moves through barriers and transforms the world in big ways. In this time period everything changed from monarchies and the absolute power of England to the breaking of the royal hold on people as with 250 years before the transformation from the Pope and his Kings began with the Renaissance and Reformation.

The evolutionary Squares with Uranus, Pluto and Saturn, are here to clean house for this incoming energy. This waves are moving rapidly breaking, releasing, washing away old patterns of existence. The opening of the vortex increases the power .... to overflow the Third Dimensional banks, governments, religions, corporations, organizations, managers and supervisors who seek to contain the transformative power of the Universe. It is a force of enormous power, a tidal wave emanating forth from a central galactic pulse called by your collective aspirations. Take heed and know that those who hold back and keep their energy trapped inside the old paradigms are facing a radical shift of power. There is chaos as everything is transformed. Allow this time line to settle in the higher dimensions as you are in agreement with the purpose and plan of this great revolution. There are those who come here to teach and practically bring forth the passage into higher dimensions of culture, technology, energy and spiritual service to guide, to enlighten and to be compassionate. Be one of these planetary teachers.
 The current understanding is the present power structure is at its height of power and the roots of rebellion are formed. The power structure within the information age is different than the one of which we are leaving which is the Industrial age.
Recall On March 11th 2011 coinciding with the Japan earthquake, URANUS went into ARIES and resides there for 7 years forging a Revolution of Consciousness. This generation of initiative, genius and spontaneity brings with it the challenges of leaving history behind and its byproducts. By 2019 the landscape will change like many times before with Uranus in Aries. Learning cycles of energy is what astrology is based upon and Uranus rules Astrological Work. It is genius, rebel, transforming, exciting and it is the awakener. It is now is Aries and will be in this sign for four more years. It is ruled in the higher levels of consciousness by that which breaks free, is super conductive, fast spreading and manifests in the world change.

Uranus rules the unexpected the enlightenment and change. In Aries it is about innovation, the new, fast and to learn, to find out, to seek knowledge. It is here where Astrological Studies are foremost important as we witness the realization of these cycles in our lives. The major important steps and choices are made in the right timing and with the support.  The group effort of the Aquarian Age is lead by universities of light that are focused on this energy of fifth dimensional consciousness and on economies of energy. The promise of life is abundance, enlightenment and freedom and where we are brought to understand unity and the appreciation of this planet.

With this aspect affecting the whole of society the extreme pressure is within the public psyche. Psychological dynamics, conflicts between state power and personal freedom within relationships become expansive ideals and visions of sharing intellect and emotions increasing in value over becoming destructive from internal rage and outer frustration.

Learning cycles of energy is what astrology is based upon and Uranus rules Astrological Work. It is genius, rebel, transforming, exciting, the awakener. Where it is now is Aries and will be in this sign for four more years. It is ruled in the higher levels of consciousness by that which breaks free, is super conductive, fast spreading and manifests in the world change.

Just a few of the news items of the world will convince you that we are heading for oblivion, everyone is crazy, the media is lying about everything except life seems to be getting more difficult. This is a time where people are being tested in their relationships with others. There is a lot to appreciate in the world at present and much to fix. It requires group efforts, a radical shift in business ethics, a change of mind and the will of the heart to proceed.
Many hold on to old patterns of control, authority and demand and try to force their will on others. They operate from scarcity, fear and need. The fall into the Black Alliance, the willingness to compromise clear knowledge of the good for a lie. It is not a group it is the contagion of thoughts where there is the shadowed reality formed through blocking vision of the right thing to do and become caught in the alliance with ignorance and deceit. Through experience we learn to avoid the masters of deception who lie to themselves and carelessly use other people delaying their happiness.
There was great upheaval across the world both positive and negative. It indicates the breaking down of old structures and the emerging of the revolutionary new inventions. We are in the middle of this period of change that is influencing, Aries, Libra, Capricorn directly which is the will to power, first ray energy of consciousness. Sovereign rights are being understood and social intelligence is advancing. Outcomes and experience are based upon choice held by character and guided by ethics and integrity. It is also of great advantage to look into your past transits.

A crisis creates fear upon which the unseen feed, and the Black Alliance supports, to keep the slaves chained. Your refuge is within, and within you can find the knowledge and be in compliance with the Central Sun and the plan for growth of the galaxy. Before you can move you must be safe, before you can use your power you must have balance, and before you can act you must have compassion.

Mars in Sagittarius brings the lightening fast spark of strong passions to break through innumerable fears, excitements, gossip and fantasy to move into being more peaceful and truthful. From Mars known as the God of War square Arian Uranus the ignition of a new stage of economics and communications come through the peer to peer networks and the smart phones. The integration of applications is moving quickly to the stage of high technological singularities. The expectation of the creation of new electronic and technological devices both for public and governmental corporate military versions will be greatly enhanced. New robotics, drones, wearable tech, games, implants, anything bringing accelerated health and vitality will be awakened by this square. It is a time of invention, it is also a time of necessity as there are millions engaged in fraud, war and destruction.
The mission of a leader and trailblazer is in scientific, economic and social educational reform. This is about courage, daring, initiative and resourcefulness. Explosiveness, fanaticism and treacherous time periods show more violence, war, destruction and revolution is the way power shifts. To change we must learn to cooperate. The energies of this time are individualistic, anarchist and anonymous. They can lead to extremes in highly independent and unique ways. The point is to reach freedom and move beyond any tradition, religious, corporate, social and political. The intensity of the rebelliousness is against anything overly traditional, or that doesn't allow room for growth. The world energy is becoming the seeking of excitement and new experiences. The true pioneers of the new age are exploring what is overlooked by society and will not let society stop their forward momentum. The karma of the Indigo Revolutionaries is to walk where there are no footsteps in front of them. In this time new mental beginnings are being made from past life awareness with every ounce of ingenuity to make these new beginnings result in new manifestations. There appears to be some difficult passages as the corruptions will continue to be shown through the cracks in the reliability of control.
With URANUS SQUARE PLUTO Orb 1°04' Applying a powerful surge of energy as this square becomes stronger and intensifies.
In this time and with new generations driving to work with power to right the wrongs perceived in society. These are radical times as there are explosive opportunities during the coming year where much of what was powerful and enduring is being instantly transformed forever. First we must learn to control that power in our own life. This is also a time where basic goals and objectives are disrupted to engage an enlightened path. In this initiatory passage there is a fundamental social contract being demanded. Plutocracy and Oligarchy are unable to provide for the public consensus and a new order is being initiated through a period of confusion. In astrology as in the environment there are weather patterns of passionate psychological expressions due to the catharsis before the choice. The timeline within this message show an intense time of mental psychic experimentation are important to be guided through the passage of power, the power of the scepter is given only the ruler of their own consciousness. It respected, held and guarded within. During the Uranus Square Pluto the hands of power will change with a power from within the underworld of consciousness being struck by the lightening of Heaven as all times and cycles move forward.
There is a lot to appreciate in the world at present and much to fix. It requires group efforts, a change of mind and the will of the heart to proceed. There are those in the world that still hold on to old patterns of control, authority and demand. They operate from scarcity, fear and need.  In these circumstances each person on the path, the quest of self knowledge and spiritual awareness is an energy center. You are producing energy through your mental and emotional focus towards the good.  The Black Alliance is the willingness to compromise clear knowledge of the good for a lie. It is not a group it is the contagion of thoughts where there is the shadowed reality formed through blocking vision of the right thing to do and become caught in the alliance with ignorance and deceit.  Through experience we learn to avoid the masters of deception who lie to themselves and carelessly use other people delaying their happiness.
Happiness is the Plan. First feel empowered and righteous in your own life and who we are individually as we are special expressions of a divine life energy.  When there is a lesson learned in a classroom there is appreciation that knowledge was gain and the problem solved. The problem is objective, general to everyone and to be solved needs an education.  Life is no different, there are a few problems, my body, health and meaning, my purpose, work or worth and my love, my partner and my family. In each of these scenarios we are designed in different ways to find ourselves.  Astrological Work provides the cycles of change and timing where we build and become better aligned with our natures. 

Messages from Andromeda by Rysa

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