dinsdag 23 september 2014

Personal update

Good news : The Rockefeller family invested in green energy and left the oil-industry behind. Maybe I made a little difference by discussing this with Mehal Rockefeller - I once adviced him to invest in green economy as a win-win situation, he could benefit from it financially through a choice that it's better for the planet and its population. I was surprised that Mehal liked the message from the Muse Unsustainable Earth Exogenesis You Tube video. I'm so glad that the news papers annoinced that they invested in green energy and left the oil-industry behind. In the end it's their decision and beyond my work of reasing awareness on the subject. I am not important, a better planet is of all importance, and this is a huge step forward! Like it or not, if we want to see great changes for the good, then people like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds can do and accomplish a lot with their wealth, power and influence, so I keep on hoping that they open their hearts more and more everyday and give the best they can. My next hope is that they would focus on the problem of poverty in the world and redustribute huge amounts of their wealth for the benefit of those who have nothing to eat in countries like Africa and Haïti for instance. Poverty must one day be something for in the history books. Thank you Mehal and Robert Rockefeller and your family for investing in green energy. A huge step forward. Respect!

Bad news : lots of people are having bad luck with their health, and I myself have to go for surgery for a benign tumor (in the best case) what has to be removed. I hope the result is not worse because I want to stay on this planet for quite years more to do more for society, probably as a volunteer through social media and this blog - and I'm thinking about taking courses in computer science again in the future or do something for those in poverty. I can't write everything down here because of privacy reasons for some people involved, but I need to be available for my environment as well. Some people are facing great challenges at this very moment.

The future : the risk for another world war is still a danger in today's world, if it has not already started. However, I will keep on working for peace in Antwerp and Belgium as much as I can ... If the world want to start wars, let's us at least start the peace .... I learn from many people everyday over and over, I'm reading to Quran to understand the Muslim faith better, but I reject violence and war in the name of any religion. I'm a little bit angry on the universe because of the fact that every time that I'm back on track with education or projects, that stupid health issues block me from progress and make me end up in clinics, this time surgery will be the result possibly - I'll wait untill the check-up and the results by the doctors. This is my reality since early childhood, a poor health .... but I refuse to be a victim and do what I can ... in difficult moments I am invisible for the world trying to recover in order to regain strength while resting.

My only humble hope is to work on being a good person, making the world a better place - small acts every day are enough for me.

We're all in this together, whatever's happening in the world outside. Keep going, heads up high! We'll make it through the storm(s)!


"You can never do anything without courage...it is the greatest quality of mind next to honor."

- Rebecca Ann Tudor -

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