vrijdag 12 september 2014

Lucis Trust message

Why do we meditate in group formation at the time of the full moon? Why is this activity of such importance in our planetary life? Our planet has an important role to play within our solar system. We have a spiritual destiny and we are passing through the process of planetary initiation (which takes place over a vast period of time). The contributions, therefore, of all members of humanity who are awake and somewhat aware of the present opportunity is needed to help shift the balance towards the light.

The Tibetan spoke of the fact that many people in our world naturally question the idea that the World Teacher is planning to reappear, preceded by the externalization of certain members of the spiritual Hierarchy. Although some might question the viability of the World Teacher’s return into our world, filled with violence and strife, the Tibetan clarifies that it is precisely the difficulties of the times that is the surest indicator that the time for the reappearance is near. We need only reflect upon the quote from the Bhagavad Gita to remind ourselves of this truth. It states, "Whenever there is a withering of the law ... and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides, then I manifest Myself. For the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of such as do evil; for the firm establishing of the law I come to birth in age after age.” So as we pass through this time of the greatest inpouring of the energy of the 2nd ray into the western world, we know that the force is with all those who seek to love and serve within their environment.

The timing for the commencement of the externalization of the heads of certain ashrams will be decided at the great Hierarchical conclave that occurs in 2025, a more 11 years away.
Now it is the opportunity, privilege and challenge of the members of the group of world servers to do what we can to aid in the preparatory work. The service provided by all those who adhere to the full and new moon, which aligns with the rhythms of the planetary soul, cannot be under estimated. Each month, year in and year out, we create a collective channel through which the waiting extra-planetary forces can flow into our planetary etheric body and awaken those “brain cells” that are able to respond to the higher stimulation. We are about to enter the eclipse cycle that aligns this year with the period of the lower interlude, as well as with the potent Sun/Venus alignment, which holds such importance for our Earth. Let us, therefore, be vigilant in our efforts to contact, hold and distribute spiritual energy in the service of the planet and all life forms.

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