woensdag 3 september 2014

Another way of looking at world events, not shown in our Western media. [Praying for common sense, peace and prosperity without the necessity of a populist uprising and the danger of more innocent killings in wars worldwide, hoping that we learn NOW from the mistakes of world war two].

"The so-called "clash of civilizations" we read about on the corporate media is really a war between banking systems, with the private central bankers forcing themselves onto the rest of the world, no matter how many millions must die for it. Indeed the constant hatemongering against Muslims lies in a simple fact. Like the ancient Christians (prior to the Knights Templars private banking system) , Muslims forbid usury, or the lending of money at interest. And that is the reason our government and media insist they must be killed or converted. They refuse to submit to currencies issued at interest. They refuse to be debt slaves."

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -- Woodrow Wilson 1919

Read the entire article : http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/allwarsarebankerwars.php

Thanks to my personal Archangelic friend Michael K. for sharing.

Michael Tsarion also gives us another way of looking to the events of World War Two where it is claimed that Hitler was a British Agent under Rothschild control, who in the became too powerful. He refused war with England, but Churchill wanted to save the banking industry. Judea declared war on Germany, whilst Hitler wanted peace. I'm disgusted by what has been done to the innocent Jewish people during the world war, but the Zionist are to blame as well. Zionist are also involved in eugenics as well as Hitler was, both Germans and Jews were influenced by the concept of being/becoming a chosen or master race, what lead towards megalomenia by both parties. Anyway, I know that Hitler was involved in black magic and that he really lost his mind in the end, but in the beginning he was the one who created lots of jobs for Germany and got the economy out of the recession. He was man of the year for Time Magazine and has being sold to the world as the Messiah of the New Age, or the New World Order, what also warns for taking the present New Age religion for granted without critical analysis and thinking. It might be a complete false religion in order to blind the masses from the danger of a common totalitarian world order, a New Age religion as "Opium for the masses", as Karl Marx would say. The same things are seem to happening in the United States with Obama's presidency, who also promised the New World Order and was sold to the world as the Messiah who was meant to save the world. The basic concept of the New World Order as we can read in books like "The Secret Destiny of America" by Manly Hall and the writings of Alice Bailey on the New World Order promises us an honest, democratic system with power in the hands of the people, while things are turning out into a dystopia, with Martial Law and a police state in the United States coming into view, government mass surveillance and more wars and rumours of war, end the world getting rules by a thiny plutocratic elite - instead of government for the people and by the people. The same seems to be happening as during the years under Hitler : A Messianic charmatic leader tries to create a New World Order to bring peace and prosperity to the Nations of the world, but it turns out into a totalitarian nightmare, and the promised democracy becomes a tyranny, if not politically then economically. The same we can say about NATO's approach and presenting Putin as a threat and scapegoat in our mainstream media. Will we prevent history from repeating itself, but rethinking everything as citizens and as diplomats and leaders, or shall we turn the world into another nightmare, just as happened in the second world war
, sacrificing the lives of more and more innocent citizens, using money and religion as the tool to divide and rule? ? As Putin said: "Let's hope that common sense turns everything right for the world". The House of Rothschild should reconnect to its very humanity, and reform the banking industry, instead of ruling world economics through fractial reserve banking, making depth-slaves of the world' citizens and governments.

Interesting links on the website of Michael Tsarion : http://www.germanophobia.net/

** I'm not a fan of fascism or nazism, I'm only a critical researcher of facts and Truth, however I might be a mystic by nature, but I use my ability to think rationally and scientifically to get the whole picture - what makes me an occultist (a scientifically oriented mystic and meditator - not a devil worshipper, as it is often misunderstood). Nothing is as it seems. I still think that democracy is the best for society, but Islam is an example considering the banking system. The world war is fought with economical weapons and digital weapons, AND there is an information and psychological warfare going on, but I believe that there will be peace on day, as the people can find the right information and think for themselves, democracy and peace can still be created as soon as possible, without revolutions and wars and the necessity of a populist uprising. If our governments lead us to mystery, the people will not accept it and will turn against leaders for sure. An informed leader counts for two. Be wise in your decision-making and prevent a catastrophy for the human race in the name of money and power. Power and Wisdom to the people, if you ask me. Fiat Lux!

I once was an anarchist, but I recognise now that governments and leaders might be necessary, as well as bankers, princes and king, if only they do not misuse their power and exploit the population as slaves. Honest, wise and democratic leaders will always be supported by the people. Let's hope that it turns out that way. Leadership in these days must be extremely difficult, but I have the greatest compassion for our leaders, but humanity is the most important, as well as the health of our planet. I will always help if I can through writings for instance, working for peace and justice, often invisible and without recognition, but I believe that small acts of kindness and goodwill can accomplish great results on the long-term. Keep the faith. After 11 years of world war so far, it's time to cease fire world wide and to open our hearts and use our brains. It's been enough! Let's not make things worse! Amen

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