zondag 17 augustus 2014

Orwell Wisdom - the danger of a 'clash of civilisations' [Russia - ISIS - Gaza] and another world war

I pray for the Heavenly powers to protect a distant soulfriend in order to safe her from the darkness that surrounds her. The chances given to Her for her are quite a dozen or more, but if it doesn't work than I have to walk further through another door. I can only pray for the best, but it is difficult when you realise that people with talent and potential have to sell parts of themselves in order not to loose the fame, fortune and influence they gained through the years on those paths of glamour and illusion, as they are so strong in places like Hollywood. I can only asks for the angels and the Gods and the Highest God in the Heavens for protection for those we cannot give up yet, but the time is short as the rumours of war are spreading across the globe. Fingers crossed, and let's hope for the best. On the other hand I feel myself full of positive energy for the world and for everyone who enters my path of life, both rich and poor, white and black, I don't care, I enjoy a life with people from all walks of life as a part of my life, some people I only know from a distance, others are close friends, some are just regular people, others are quite influential and even famous and succesfull. I realised that as far a I know, that it's lonely at the top, that I realised since I met one of the Rockefellers, not in real life, but through facebook and through cell phone talks. I try to encourage everyone I meet to work for a better planet and a free humanity, but I feel like screeming in the desert from time to time, but I feel respected most of the time, because I respect people as well. Everyone has the right to live his own life. My disillusion on the subject of the New World Order is immense, that it's not the paradise that we see appearing on the world scene, but quite the opposite, a surveillance state, a world in danger of wars world wide. Martial Law in the United States, what seems to evolve towards a police state, whilst we all believed so much in president Obama. The Alex Jones and David Icke conspiracy movies seem to unfold in front of our eyes, and most of the time - myself included - we thought of it as movies made by nutcases. After years of being involved in this, we realise that these people might share some truthful information. And again, the ones we thought of as insane, appear to use more as misunderstood visionaries. But be carefull because in these conspiracy-scenes, there are many disinformation agents who work for not so benefitial intelligence agencies, in order to spread disinformation and confusion. Always research information through various sources and believe in your own common sense and follow your heart.

I pray for the best and am still involved in a peace movement through the internet that tries to dismantle wars worldwide in order to establish peace. I am more like an invisible internet diplomat so to speak for the moment, and that's okay. Even Mehal Rockefeller joined the peace movement online, and as far as I know him from private talks, he is okay. I risked his own freedom and wealth because he fought for truth and almost lost it all, both his freedom and his wealth. Even in high places it is a battle for truth and humanity, and maybe more difficult than for people below the power pyramid. Okay, I told too much already, but I just want to make sure that even within the elite families, there are people who try to do what they can. Most of these families are doomed by corruption and suppression of the world population, who are nothing more than slaves for them, so to speak.

So far so good, we keep on working for a world without the world war three that some powerful players want. The danger is still here as we read the news. A clash of civilisations is still possible, and all leaders and people who work in governments must be very alert and use their diplomatic skills because if there comes another world war, I guess it would be terrible one, I don't want to think about it. I guess that I will live in as a monk somewhere then, in an ecovillage or so, trying to help there as a volunteer by providing meals for those in need.

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