dinsdag 12 augustus 2014

Awakening video

Through the research and studying of the materials I publish here, I force myself to be very critical, not only for others, but for myself in the first place. I understand what the Muse-singer Matthew Bellamy said about the tactics of mind control that are used against the population, which he started to use for himself in order to awaken the masses. That makes you just the same as what you hated in the first place. You become what you hate : an Illuminated One, an Illuminati. Instead of judging the Rothschild and Rockefeller family, I feel that it's better to coƶperate with them in order to get things done for the benefit of mankind, although that is my approach, as part of my Lifepath 8, which includes power, authority and money. My task is to remain pure, honest and not to become corrupted. Bono, the leadsinger of U2 once had a meeting with George Bush for a million dollar deal in order to help the poor Africans of the world. That's the power of diplomacy. We all are one, we all have yin and yang, we all have an angel and a devil inside of us. If we want to be the change we wish to see in the world, we must first start with ourselves and control the dark side within ourselves by transforming it. That's my part of the story. Religion might be mind control, books like the Bhagavad Gita are still inspiring for me, so are parts of the Christian Bible and even the Quaran, but never take anything as a dogma. I wish the best for mankind, we all are in this together, even the world elite themselves are facing a transformation. The Earth is within the Photon Belt of tremendous Light, which effects all of us.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” - Plato I am my own worst critic, I don't have the feeling that I have a greater enemy than myself, because I am the one that has to become a better man by working on myself every day. I remain critical, the Awakening of mankind might as well be a staged event, in order to blind us from the tyranny that is enforced upon society without us even seeing it happen, but at the same time there are good things happening. There is no right, without a wrong. No light without darkness. No yin without yang. I try to light candles, instead of fighting the darkness. Darkness is a lack of light, maybe those in darkness need that light the most. Forgive your enemies. Gain knowledge, meditate every day, and remain free spirits. Love you all!

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