woensdag 25 juni 2014

The wisdom offered through Edgar Cayce.

“Edgar Cayce learned that the so-called Battle of Armageddon described in the Bible, is actually a battle fought in the spiritual realms between the souls of light and souls of darkness coming into the world. He explained that the souls from the dark realms wage war with “the spirits of light that come into the earth for the awakening”. Cayce learned that at a time in the future, souls from the lower realms will be completely prevented from incarnating to the earth and only souls from higher realms of light will be allowed to incarnate. Over a period of time, this will result in forces of light on earth overcoming the forces of darkness. Complete spiritual enlightenment on earth will occur.during the time that only souls from the higher realms are permitted to incarnate, Jesus will return and eventually a new era of spiritual awakening and enlightenment will renew humanity and the result will be a thousand years of peace (the “Kingdom of Heaven” on earth). The conflict between the higher and lower self within human beings, or what some call God and the Devil, causes growth until finally the negative or the destructive elements are completely overcome.” For those who don't know, I figured I'd give a short summary about the life of this amazing man.. Edgar Cayce was probably the most gifted psychic in recorded history. When awake he was a sweet, honest, humble man that lived a modest lifestyle. He only had an 8th grade education and was pretty much illiterate. However, he could memorize whole books just by sleeping with a book under his pillow. When he went into a meditative state, he could access divine knowledge from the Universal Consciousness. (Research the Akashic Records to learn more) When given a persons name and current location, he could tell you any medical problems they were having SPOT ON. With proper medical terminology and everything. Not only that, but he would prescribe a natural treatment for their ailment. Not only could he answer questions about health correctly, but he could answer any question he was asked. People even asked him for winning lottery numbers. All his readings were well recorded. He has over 14,000 sessions recorded at the A.R.E. Institute which he established.. And he didn't charge people for it either. He did it all out of the goodness in his heart, even though it took a physical toll on him and eventually played a role in his death. I really recommend you research him. Learning what he could do, will help you understand what ALL humans are capable of, if they put their heart and mind to it. The Mind Unleashed Original post via Dawning Golden Crystal Age If you're interested in this subject, I highly recommend you check out the ARE institute site, as well as search his name on youtube. There are dozens and dozens of videos about him. Here's one of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWOGZwXK5fYEdgar Cayce' s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) - Edgar Cayce readings: Spiritual www.edgarcayce.org

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