vrijdag 6 juni 2014

The Modern Alchemist

"Not since Carl Jung wrote on inner transformation and alchemy has there been such a revealing, illuminating discussion of this art and its hidden message."
~ Dr. Stanley Krippner
Saybrook Institute

Traditional religions, with their emphasis upon ritual and belief, often fail to meet the spiritual needs of contemporary individuals. Nonetheless, the direct experience of life's sacred dimension yields many positive results for the human personality and inner spirit. A dynamic inner process weaves through our lives whether we notice it or not. We find meaning and healing when we intentionally become conscious of its dynamic.
The Modern Alchemist has a great deal to say to those who are seeking spiritual nourishment in the modern age. It is a first-hand, experiential guide to the process which medieval alchemists represented as the transformation of "lead into gold" or lower substances into higher ones. To Richard and Iona Miller, the transformation goes much further than that--it is an inner change which leads to wholeness, integration, and flowering of the total personality.
Using the language of depth psychology as well as alchemy, they show how we can actualize our birthright and become consciously involved in the natural transformative process. In this way, we can find a more intimate connection with the guiding, nurturing powers of the universe and the "lost" parts of ourselves.
This widely acknowledged self-help text on Jungian archetypes is structured using the art prints and text of the 17th century alchemical classic Book of Lambspring. The sixteen chapters compare and contrast archetypes and alchemical operations, which lead to greater self-awareness and psychological transformation from the pits of depression to mystical illumination. The first half deals with the personal unconscious, while the second covers the stages of spiritual enlightenment. Chapter themes include persona, shadow, anima, animus, adversary, great mother, wise old man, marriage of opposites; hero, mana personality, magical child, self or God-image, conception, incubation, rebirth, illumination. 

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$14.95 plus $4.50 Priority Mail.
Signed copies are available
upon request.



PART I: METAMORPHOSIS OF SOUL (Therapy or Personal Growth)

Chapter I: The Prima Materia
(Persona, Calcinatio); "Two fish swim in our sea."
Chapter 2: The Nigredo
(Shadow); "A cruel black dragon lurks in the wood."
Chapter 3: Union of Opposites
(Anima); "A stag and unicorn in the forest go."
Chapter 4: Participation Mystique
(Animus); "A male and female stand hidden in darkness."
Chapter 5: Solutio
(The Adver­sary); "The wolf and dog are in the land."
Chapter 6: Coagulatio
(Great Mother); "A poisonous dragon inhabits the forest."
Chapter 7: Sublimatio
(Wise Old Man); "Two birds lie within the nest."
Chapter 8: Albedo & Rubedo
(Summary, Coniunctio); "A white and red bird are bound together."

PART II: PERSONIFICATION OF SPIRIT (Mystical or Spiritual Aspiration) Introduction

Chapter 9: Solificatio
(Hero); "The Lord of the wood takes his kindom's throne."
Chapter 10: The Philosopher's Stone
(Mana Personality); "The salamander comes from the fire."
Chapter 11: Puer/Senex
(Magickal Child); "Father, Son and Guide hold each other's hand."
Chapter 12: The Transcendent Function
(Self or God-image); "The Son speaks to his Guide."
Chapter 13: Devouring Father
(Con­ception); "The Father swallows up the Son."
Chapter 14: Anima Consciousness
(Incubation); "The Father strongly sweats and glows."
Chapter 15: Individuation and Rebirth
(Rebirth); "The new Father brings forth a new Son."
Chapter 16: Ultima Materia
(The Master or God-Man); "The completion of the Great Work."

Let's work towards the great union of science and ancient / spiritual traditions - it's already happening in de United States for instance, I hope my country will join fast in this revolution.

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