donderdag 5 juni 2014

Something that made me still ...

 Robert C. Rockefeller : Something to think about. One single gift could change a life, save a life, this video touched me very much. And exactly what I was saying on a recent post about smiling at a little child. Kindness is the key. If the older guy would of yelled at him instead of helping him, the little boy might of turned out a little different. But he helped him and showed that there was kindness in the world so the kid became a doctor and he helped people the way he knew how. And payed the old man back with a life giving chance! This is a true story and it makes me so happy for the way the young man has grown up. I say this and talk about this a lot because I myself have seen many many bad things as a kid and my thoughts on Society wasn't good, but thanks to God for giving me adults in my life to show me the good and to show me what it is like to do good, not to be good. But to DO good has made a big change into my life and will always play a part in my decisions to DO good with out them I wouldn't be who I am today. So instead of smacking a kid or yelling at him first find out what is going on. You just might of saved a life or two......

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